How Much Time Does CBD Oil Take to Be Effective?

You’re probably here because you heard that CBD oil is the new alternative to medical marijuana. And now, you want to know how quickly it will help with your pain or anxiety. Well, you might be aware that CBD oil is gaining fame as an add-in to fitness smoothies or even as an additive to your morning coffee to give that extra boost.

Cannabidiol, popularly known as CBD, has gained a lot of media focus in the past few years. There are dozens of research studies that imply that CBD is useful in treating several ailments that trouble many Americans today. So let’s quickly answer the key questions that brought you here. How fast does CBD oil work, and what is all the hype about?


How fast will CBD Oil Work?

The amount of time it will take for you to feel CBD’s first effects will depend on how fast it is taken into your system. Various factors determine how much CBD gets absorbed into your system and even make it your endocannabinoid system (ECS), where it is believed to have the most impact – the primary factor is the method of consumption.

Different Methods of CBD Consumption

Given here are the different ways in which CBD can be used: –

Tinctures – Taking CBD Oil or tincture sublingually is the most popular method. It is also the best way since you will know the exact quantity of the tincture that you are using. Use a dropper to place the recommended dosage of CBD oil beneath the tongue.

Topicals – Topicals are available as balms or salves. They are applied directly to stiff or sore muscles. Several users have reported that using CBD topicals directly has a soothing effect. Topicals are also fast-acting because they don’t have to be digested and then used.

Gummies – CBD can also be taken as edibles or gummies. Although they are easy to use, they may not have a quick effect as they need to be digested, and only then can the body use it.

Factors Affecting CBD Absorption

As previously discussed, several factors play a part in how fast CBD is absorbed into your body. Although the primary factor is the method of consumption, there are other accompanying factors that affect the effectiveness of CBD oil in your body. The following are some of the main factors that affect the bioavailability of CBD and how fast it works and how long it works:

Consumption Method: The best way to get CBD into your system is intravenously, but it is often impractical and uncomfortable. The most preferred option is oral intake. In this way, CBD oil will take the longest time to be absorbed but will likely be active for the longest time. It is estimated that it will take about an hour to 6 hours to be absorbed when taken orally. Experts recommend taking your CBD orally if you wish to experience the longer-term benefits of the product.

Weight of the User: You are unlikely to experience the effects of CBD in the same way as any other person because your weight will affect key body factors like metabolism, blood circulation, and overall health. According to Lotus health, people who have a higher body fat content will absorb CBD oil faster, which will work more quickly. They recommend that an adult between 145 -245 pounds should take a dose between 15 to 20mg two times daily to get the best results.

Dosage and Potency: The dosage of CBD oil consumed directly affects how much CBD is absorbed into the bloodstream. This factor also goes along with the concentration of CBD within the specific type of CBD oil. The higher the potency and purity, the higher the CBD bioavailability, which translates to better effectiveness.

Quality: The chosen CBD oil product must be of outstanding quality to increase the bioavailability. The main factors affecting the quality are the impurities, additives, and carrier oil selected for the CBD oil. All the additives, in one way or another, affect how quickly and efficiently CBD is absorbed and used up in the body.

Read: How Does CBD Affect Your Weight?

How Much CBD Should You Take?

There is no specific general dosage prescribed for CBD. Still, experts recommend beginning with a dose of about 25 milligrams two times every day. The dosage should be consumed, preferably in the morning and evening, and increased by about 25 mg after 3 to 4 weeks until you get the CBD’s desired results. Make sure you consult a doctor or physician and do not self-medicate. You must ensure that you are advised on the appropriate dose for your health condition and requirements.

How Does the Body Handle CBD?

Once you ingest CBD oil, the first place it is handled is in the digestive system, processed into useful and unusable components. You should note that not all the CBD ingested will be used up by the body.

If you take CBD Oil orally, it could take about an hour to 6 hours for the therapeutic effects to kick in. In contrast, if you breathe in vaporized CBD oil through a vape, for example, you would likely feel the effects after about 5 to 10 minutes after you inhale the vapors.

How CBD oil works

Your body has a system known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which regulates several body functions such as sleep, our appetite as well as pain and immune system responses. Your body naturally produces endocannabinoids, which act as neurotransmitters that bind with the cannabinoid receptors that are within your nervous system. The system’s primary role in the body is to create homeostasis, a balance, or harmony when responding to physical stress (like pain) and mental. This system is not only present in humans but also in all vertebrates.

Scientific studies have shown that endocannabinoid receptors are present in the brain and nerves and the entire body, including the skin cells. It is known that the endocannabinoid system participates in several processes in the body, including, memory, immune system, stress, metabolism pain, mood, appetite sleep, and our reproductive functions. Although the system is not straightforward when in harmony, it creates a state of health and comfort.

Even though our bodies naturally produce endocannabinoids, it may need extra when there is a deficiency or high demand. CBD becomes very useful because it is a phytocannabinoid that interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system. However, it does not bond with the receptors—the phytocannabinoid works by preventing the natural endocannabinoid’s breakdown, allowing the body to use them better. CBD also significantly controls receptors that are not cannabinoid in nature. It actively binds to serotonin receptors and receptors that control pain, inflammation, and the hypothalamus. It blocks specific receptors, slowing down the breakdown of bone, behaving like an antiseptic, and preventing the growth of cancer cells. CBD acts best when absorbed quickly. The factors affecting CBD absorption determine how much time CBD takes to be effective.


In conclusion, how well and how quickly CBD oil will work for you will depend on how you consume it and your dosage.

CBD will stay in your body for about one week for regular doses. The effects will last longer based on the dosage amounts and the method of consumption. Generally, studies have indicated that if you are tested for CBD one week or more after your last dose, the result will likely be negative. It would be best if you took note, though, that CBD trace will remain in your body for longer even though it might not be indicated on drug tests.

Ensure that you pick a method and dosage that is prescribed by a doctor or physician for your specific health status and desired effects.

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