8 Tips To Safely Use Diabetes Test Strips

In the past one or two decades, we have seen a rise in the number of diseases that human beings have become more likely prone to; and the name of the disease that tops this list of diseases is none other than diabetes. Diabetes is a kind of disease wherein the blood sugar levels or your blood glucose levels are very high. We all know that glucose is something that a body secretes from the food that we consume. And insulin is the hormone that helps to transport glucose into the cells of a body so that the cells get the energy to carry on their everyday activities. Also, we know that there are two types of diabetes: type-1 diabetes and type-2 diabetes. In the case of type 1 diabetes, the body is not making any insulin. In type-2 diabetes, which is the more prominent type of diabetes found across the world, the body does not make use of the insulin. Without having enough insulin, the glucose ends up staying in our blood and doesn’t reach our cells for energy. There are also conditions which are known as prediabetes – it conveys to say that the blood sugar levels in the body are higher than normal but not very high enough that it can be called a diabetes condition. But if a person has prediabetes, he or she has a greater risk of developing type-2 diabetes.

Diabetes Test Strips

Taking Tests For Diabetes

The only way a person could know if he or she is diabetic is by taking a certain blood test that will help the doctor diagnose the condition. Following are some of the tests that the doctor will have to take to confirm the diagnosis of diabetes:

A1C Test: It is a test that helps in measuring the blood sugar levels on an average in the body for the past 2 to 3 months. If the A1c level is below 5.7 percentage then it is considered to be normal, if it is in the range of 5.7-6.4 percentage it is considered to be prediabetes, and if it is higher than 6.5 percentage then it is considered to be diabetes condition.

Glucose Tolerance Test

It is a test that helps to measure the blood sugar levels of the body before and after you have drunk glucose liquid. You will be fasting overnight and your blood will be drawn to determine the fasting blood sugar level in the morning on an empty stomach. Post this, you will drink the liquid that contains glucose and then get your blood sugar level checked 1 to 2 to 3 hours later.

Fasting Blood Sugar Test

This particular test helps to determine blood sugar after an overnight fast. If the fasting blood sugar level is 90 9MG/DL or is lower than this then it is normal, hundred to 125 will indicate prediabetes, and 126 or higher will indicate diabetes.

Random Blood Sugar Test

It is a test that will measure the blood sugar levels of your body at that particular time when you are tested. The beauty of this test is that it can be done anytime and you don’t have to fast. If blood sugar level is 200 mg/dL or more, this indicates diabetes.

Using Glucometer And Test Strips

It is a very common phenomenon for millions of Americans who are diagnosed with diabetes to use a glucometer to monitor the blood sugar levels at home. Test strips and glucose meters are devices that are regulated by the US Food and drug administration.

And the FDA ensures that these devices follow all the safety procedures. Read on to understand more about this.

  1. Everything You Need To Know About Test Strips

For the glucose meter to function properly and give you the right reading of blood sugar levels you need to on a proper set of test strips. Test strips help people monitor health conditions like diabetes while sitting in the comfort of their homes. However, certain pre-owned and secondhand test strips are available in the market today. These are nothing but pre-owned test strips that are still in unused condition.

These pre-owned test strips are sold at lower prices. However, the FDA has issued a safety communication stating that they do not encourage the use of previously owned test strips and that such test strips are not authorized for sale in the United States of America.

  • Test strips need to be stored properly to obtain accurate results. There is no guarantee that pre-owned test strips are stored properly. Also, test strips come with an expiry date. Obtaining any kind of incorrect results will lead to severe health complications or death.
  • Hygiene is a cause of concern for test strip vials that are opened by another human. There is a high risk of infection.
  • There could be high chances of tampering with pre-owned test strips. This simply translates to not safe to use at all.
  • The pre-owned strips might not have met the FDA guidelines for sale as well. You don’t want to risk using pre-owned test strips especially if they come with instructions that are not in a familiar language like English.

The conclusion here is that when it comes to buying test strips for your glucose meter it is advised by the FDA to buy new, and opened vials only. If you do not have an idea about how to purchase the test strips then consider taking help from your healthcare provider.

  1. Carefully Follow The Instructions

Both test strips as well as glucose meters come with instructions manual. Follow it step-by-step or you can dial the manufacturing of your health care person or device if you have any doubts or questions.

  1. Allow Yourself To Be Guided By A Healthcare Provider In Real-Time

You must have a health care provider around you when you are performing your first test on yourself. While they watch you, they can point out the mistakes that you might be performing while testing your blood sugar levels on the device.

  1. Ensure Quality Checks Is Done Regularly On Your Device

It is important to regularly perform quality checks on your glucose meter to ensure that the glucose meter and test strips are functioning properly in coordination. You can read the glucose meter instructions to understand how often should the test be done.

  1. Understanding What Is Displayed

One should be capable of understanding the glucose values displayed on the monitor of the glucose meter. One should be able to differentiate between high and low glucose values. Talk to your health care person or run through the instructions again if you have any queries.

  1. Know Which Area Gives Accurate Results 

The readings from the fingertips were considered to be the most accurate. Readings taken from alternate sites of the body like the palm or forearm can give lesser accurate results.

  1. Learn How And When To Disinfect And Clean The Glucose Meter

Disinfection and cleaning instructions could vary from one glucose meter to another; therefore, always go through and follow the instructions given in the manual.

  1. Learn How To Report Any Device Problems

There are certain voluntary reporting programs organized by the FDA. Therefore, in case of an emergency or an emergency, the FDA calls out to the citizens to report any issues that they face with their glucose meter or test strips.

Also, note that one should never share the blood glucose monitoring equipment or finger Lansing devices with another person as it could transmit infections or diseases. Always remember to wash your hands with soap or warm water, then dry your hands before you perform a test in the fingertips area. Ensure that the glucose meter battery is functioning properly before you carry out a blood sugar test. And remember to dispose of the test strips correctly after the test is done.