Can Okra Help You Control Diabetes?

What is known as diabetes?

Diabetes is a condition where your body does not produce or does not use insulin the right way. This causes a surge in glucose levels in your body which can be harmful. Glucose is a vital element for your body which is found in the foods you consume. The pancreas secretes insulin, which is known to reach glucose to your different body parts. This is mainly used for energy purposes. At times, your body does not produce insulin or though the insulin is produced, your body does not use it in the right way. This causes high sugar levels or diabetes.

The underlying cause of diabetes is yet unknown. It can be hereditary or due to some lifestyle changes. Anyhow, higher quantities of sugar in your blood aren’t quite great. Diabetes is often known to be the killer staying dormant for a trigger in the human body. Hence, it is important to take the right care of your body if you deal with diabetes. Categorized medically under four types of diabetes.

  • Type 1 diabetes can occur at any stage though they are more common in children and teenagers, called the “Insulin-dependent diabetes” or the “Juvenile”. This type of diabetes requires insulin injections on a daily basis to stay alive. The causes of this kind of diabetes are still unknown and cannot be prevented in any form.
  • Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes which is found in elderly people who are above the age of 40. Yet, they can usually occur at any stage, known historically in medical terms as “Non-Insulin-Dependent”. This is diabetes, which occurs when the body doesn’t make good use of the insulin produced. Type 2 diabetes is also linked to physical inactivity and weight gain.
  • Gestational diabetes occurs in pregnant women and usually goes away after the baby is born. It is called hyperglycemia when the sugar levels are usually higher than the expected amount. Women who experience gestational diabetes during pregnancy are at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes at a later stage of life. It not only affects them, but it can affect their kids too once they grow up. Even they are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  • Finally comes the pre-diabetic phase wherein individuals’ sugar levels are higher than the normal range, yet not so high to be claimed as diabetes. This kind of diabetes usually transforms to type 2 diabetes within 10 years. 

Symptoms of Diabetes

The symptoms of diabetes differ on the basis of how high your blood sugar is. People who have pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes may not initially face any symptoms. On the other hand, symptoms of type 1 diabetes are more severe and noticeable. Some symptoms are as follows: frequent urination, increased thirst, extreme hunger, weight loss, blurred vision, fatigue, irritability, slow healing sores, and frequent infections like gums or skin.

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What is Okra?


“Okra” well known in common consumable vegetable category as the “lady’s finger”. It has been gaining a lot of attention recently which is also called a superfood for diabetes. It is also known as a great source of food to prevent diabetes. The botanical term of Okra is “Hibiscus Esculentus” and “Abelmoschus Esculentus”. The superfood is known to have amazing benefits to reduce blood sugar levels and overall supports great health.

A vegetable is often has grown tall plants whose origins coordinate back to locations such as the Middle East, India, U.S, and ancient Ethiopia. Some parts of the Okra plants like the Okra pods are very often used in tropical countries for making stews, soups and or mainly used as boiled or fried vegetables. The pods are extremely low in calories, which is at 30 calories per 100 grams. Additionally, it does not contain cholesterol or any saturated fats. They are also great sources of nutrients that are completely non-toxic and are known to have no side effects.

How does Okra help controlling diabetes?

Multiple types of research have been carried out to establish the benefits of Okra and their role in managing diabetes. In recent years, there are multiple pieces of evidence that prove Okra is great for treating diabetes. A report claims that Okra is known to reduce blood sugar levels in your body and has multiple benefits that improve your overall health. A study conducted in 2011 where Indian researches found out that diabetic mice fed on dried Okra peels and seeds. It was reported that there was a great decrease in the levels of blood sugar after feeding an Okra diet for about 10 days.

Similarly, many people tried water soaked in cut-up Okra overnight. They too saw great results with a reduction in the blood sugar levels. Roasted Okra seeds have been used as a traditional medicine in Turkey for the longest time (1). The powerful insoluble fiber contained in Okra is known to contain elements that help in reducing blood sugar levels.

Health Benefits of Okra

Okra is a great source of dietary fiber, essential vitamins, minerals, and superior antioxidants. They are very good for the overall development of the body. They are great for improving and preventing constipation, known to treat sore throat, lung and ulcer inflammation, irritable bowels, eliminates signs of depression, improves energy levels, reduces cholesterol, reduces the risk of cancer mainly colorectal cancer and multiple other health benefits. Okra contains flavonoids and polyphenols found in Okra seeds which are known to reduce fatigue.

You can use Okra is a number of ways to benefit your body. It can be either cooked or eaten raw as well. You can either use it in a pickled form, roasted or grilled, fried, in soups or stews, as a side dish or even in salads. Try soaking some Okra pieces in the water at night and then drink the water in the morning. Make sure to drink it while on an empty stomach for maximum benefits and to keep diabetes in control.

Okra is loaded with soluble and insoluble fibers. An individual should have a diet with an ample amount of fibers or 15 grams each day. It causes a slow release of sugar and boosts insulin activity. The seeds, as well as the peel, are both known to control sugar levels. Hence, it can be consumed as a whole. Also, they are a great alternative if you are looking to lose weight. Okra is a low-calorie vegetable and has no saturated fats, hence a good option for weight watchers. Make sure to include Okra daily in your diet to control sugar levels and improve your overall health. Okra is known to manage blood sugar levels in type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes. They are also a rich source of vitamin B, vitamin C, potassium, calcium, and folic acid. Let’s look at the benefits of Okra in detail.

  1. Dietary Fiber

It is a well-known fact that Okra is a rich source of fiber. About eight Okra pods of medium size contain close to 3 grams of fiber. The high amount of fiber has multiple benefits like promotes good digestion, cuts down the hunger cravings and give you a feeling of being full. High fiber content is essential for people dealing with diabetes (2). High dietary fiber intake has been shown to promote glycemic control.

  1. Anti Stress Effect

It is also reported that seed extracts of Okra are known to have antioxidant and anti-stress properties (3). It is very important to manage stress levels when you are diabetic. High levels of stress are linked to causing high blood sugar levels. Mental health is also just as crucial as any other health. Hence, try including Okra as part of your daily diet.

  1. Helps Reduce Cholesterol

Okra is also known to lower cholesterol levels in mice. People who are diabetic are suggested to have high dietary fiber with antioxidant properties with anti-stress properties. They are great in reducing cholesterol levels. Individuals with diabetes are known to have irregular levels of cholesterol. Hence, Okra will be the best option to keep cholesterol in check.


Keeping diabetes in check is a daily, monthly and yearly challenge. It is important to have a healthy and nutritious diet plan which keeps your blood sugar levels in check. Diabetes is known as the silent killer, which is the reason you need to adopt a healthy lifestyle to keep them in check. It is a disease which is known to worsen with time. Maintaining a healthy diet plan with physical forms of exercise is a must. Keep a check on the carb count as they can make your blood sugar levels on a ride.

Women need about 35-45 grams of carbs every meal. On the other hand, men need about 45-60 grams of carbs. Exercise too is a great way to lower blood sugar levels. Try to be consistent and make exercise as part of your routine. The final thing that you need to do regular checks your blood sugar levels. Never miss out on that factor as you need to be aware of the levels at all times to make changes in your diet and lifestyle.