How Much Sugar Can a Person With Diabetes Have?

A person is said to suffer from diabetes when there is an excess amount of sugar in the blood. Mostly, when we talk about diabetes we talk about two types of diabetes: type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Although the cause of type 1 diabetes is not very clear, it is seen that the immune system which is meant to protect us from viruses targets and tries to finish the cells that produce insulin in the pancreas. It was concluded that sugar is not the main reason why people suffer from type 1 diabetes. Hence people suffering from type 1 diabetes can consume a little sugar some or the other day. People who suffer from type 2 diabetes tend to build insulin resistance due to which their body is unable to use insulin. As a result, there is more sugar in the blood. Although consumption of sugar directly doesn’t cause type 2 diabetes you are more prone to it if you are obese. To ensure that you can have sugar while suffering from diabetes it is necessary to follow a customized diet plan along with some exercises.


How much sugar is healthy?

For a healthy person, it is recommended to consume around only 20g of sugar per day and not more than 30g. For children aged 8-10 years should consume no more than 20g of sugar per day and for preschoolers it is recommended to consume no more than 18g of sugar in a day. However, for people suffering from diabetes, the recommendation is comparatively lower. A diabetic person can consume sugar, based on their level of calorie intake and the types of carbs they consume. A diabetic woman should not consume more than 1900 calories in a day and the limit is set to 2500 calories for a diabetic man. Sugar intake cannot be more than 20g in a day. It is also advised to consume natural sugar rather than processed ones. As per recommended limit is set for diabetic people who carry out moderate-intensity workouts at least 4 times a week.

A diabetic person must control their carb intake if they want to consume some amount of sugar as well. Because carbohydrates once consumed then turn into glucose, which can increase the blood sugar level significantly. And sugar is also said to have the same impact on the blood sugar level. Hence, it is necessary to control the carb intake. Diabetic people should aim, not to get more than 50% of their daily calories from carbs. 200 grams of carbs per day can be considered healthy. It is advised to avoid refined and processed carbohydrate food as they are more likely to affect blood sugar levels negatively and rapidly. Refined food causes difficulty for the body to remove sugar from the blood which also increases sugar levels. Therefore, it is recommended to consume whole foods and natural sugar only. Fruits are a great source of many vitamins and also help in satisfying the sugar craving.

Eliminating the sugar in disguise

Sugar found in processed foods is often termed as, sugar in disguise. Various processed foods claim to be healthy however, such foods and beverages can have a high amount of sugar. It is not necessary to always find the name of sugar in the ingredients list as sugar can go by various names like high fructose sweetener, corn sweetener, invert sugar, rice syrup, malt syrup, cane syrup, and many others. All these are forms of sugar only and can affect the health of the people who are sensitive to sugar. As people unknowingly buy and consume such products thinking that there is no sugar content in them. All kinds of sugar have an impact on your blood sugar levels whether you are diabetic or not. Hence it is necessary to understand that overconsumption of natural sugars can also cause more harm than good. Since natural sugars also ultimately form fructose and glucose. So, what are fructose and glucose? Fructose is commonly known as fruit sugar as it is present in the fruits. It is made from sugar cane, corns, and beets. Its processed form is popularly known as corn syrup or corn sweetener. This type of sugar can only be processed by the liver. While it is processed, it can increase the production of insulin and can give rise to insulin resistance.

Glucose is found in the food you eat and in many carbohydrates. It is the type of sugar that the body uses for energy. Glucose is the main component present in the blood sugar level. Having too much glucose in the blood for a long time can give rise to various health problems like hyperglycemia, diabetes, and many others.

Various snacks that are termed healthy contain a high amount of sugar. Protein bars are the most common example. They are said to provide you with some nutritional value however, they also contain a good amount of sugar. One protein gram of 70 grams is said to have around 20-25 grams of sugar. This means that one protein bar is enough to meet your daily sugar needs. However, not many people are aware of this. They consider it to be a low-sugar food and continue to consume other sugary foods. Granola bars should also be checked for their sugar content, one granola bar of 65 grams is said to have 10-12 grams of sugar. Although granola bars contain less sugar as compared to protein bars they also offer less nutritional value.

Packed fruit juice is another product that claims to be healthy. They are packed with various preservatives and contain only a small percentage of real fruit. They are also loaded with artificial sweeteners that can affect your body negatively. It can be noticed that 350ml of juice contains 38 grams of sugar which means it exceeds the general limit of sugar. It is advised to opt for sugar-free versions of such products as products claiming to be zero sugar added and low fat can still contain some amount of sugar.