Pandemic Survival Coronavirus Review

Until a few months ago, most of us didn’t know what a global pandemic was. We had heard of the plague and other similar pandemics, but they had occurred many years before we were even born. We didn’t even consider them real until the Coronavirus pandemic hit us out of nowhere. Now, every day there is news of new cases, more deaths, the virus spreading to other countries, cities going under lockdowns, and so on. For the first time, many of us have started thinking about the ways we can protect ourselves if the virus reaches our city. If it has already reached your city, you might be at home wondering what you can do to save yourself and your family. You are not alone in wondering.

The most important thing while dealing with a global disaster like Corona Virus is a lack of information. People either don’t know what they are fighting against. Or there is so much false information that they don’t know what to believe. It is essential to have a resource that will act as your guide to understanding the virus inside out and suggesting precautions for safety. You also need to know everyday health tips that you can follow to reduce the risk of infection in your home. If your city goes under lockdown to contain the virus, you also need to know how to survive on limited food, limited resources, how to work from home, how to cook food on makeshift stoves, how to charge your devices in case of a power breakdown, etc. The challenges are many, and to overcome them, you will need a one-stop solution that is the answer to all your problems. This e-book is that solution.

Pandemic Survival

About Pandemic Survival Coronavirus

Survive Coronavirus is a pandemic survival course for everyone facing the threat of Coronavirus right now. This guide is equipped with all the information you would need to survive. The information comes highly verified from government sources and is currently being used all over the world to stop the spread of this deadly virus.

The e-book contains –

  • Tips on how to survive the outbreak of infection in your town or city,
  • Protecting your friends and family from the virus,
  • Classified government survival techniques like The Thailand Survival Cocktail to safeguard yourself,
  • Strategies to be independent in case there is a power breakdown,
  • Practical survival tips when you have limited rations of everything, etc.

The book comes in the form of a digital download and can be accessed instantly once purchased.

What Is Coronavirus

COVID-19 or novel Coronavirus is a newly-identified strain of Coronavirus. It was first reported in the Hubei province of China. Soon, the Chinese health authorities confirmed that the virus was spreading in Wuhan city. The scariest thing about this virus is that there is a lack of information about it. There are no vaccines and no known cure, so governments around the world have just been working to control the spread of the virus.

Symptoms of Coronavirus

This virus has an incubation period of 14 days. This means that for the initial 14 days after coming in contact with the virus, the infected person will show no symptoms. But they can spread the disease to other vulnerable people, like children and the elderly. After 14 days pass, this person may develop flu-like symptoms like fever, coughing, and respiratory issues.

Benefits of Pandemic Survival Coronavirus

  • Protect Your Friends And Family – The Corona Virus has shown itself to be deadly for those who get it, especially older people and children. This e-book will teach you how to take precautions to protect yourself and your family from the dangerous virus, and be innovative to deal with the challenges of living in the middle of a global pandemic.
  • Learn Skills To Survive During Lockdown – This book teaches you essential skills to overcome all challenges in the middle of a lockdown – like loss of electricity, how to cook food without electricity, how to practice social distancing, how to follow news updates in the absence of electricity, etc. These are all strategies that have been obtained from an insider source working with the government.
  • Develop Stronger Immunity – This e-book also contains many verified health tips and precautions that will help you make your immune system stronger. It is only when your immunity is boosted that you will be able to fight the virus from within. By following the guidelines in this book, you will be able to take matters into your own hands and safeguard the health of your friends and family.
  • Learn How To Control The Spread of Virus – This e-book teaches you a very valuable survival technique called the Thailand Survival Cocktail. This technique is used by governments of different countries to stop the spread of viruses like the Corona. The authors of this book have divulged this information for your health benefit because they want to help as many people as possible.
  • Get Instant Access – When you buy this book, there is no waiting period before you can read it because it does not need to be shipped to your address. As soon as you purchase it, you can access what is inside the book and start implementing it. When it comes to protecting your loved ones, the sooner, the better.

Bonuses With Pandemic Survival Coronavirus

The purchase of this e-book comes with 3 bonus e-books that are full of more tips and tricks to survive a global pandemic like the Coronavirus.

  • Survival Essentials – This bonus e-book contains 7 crucial checklists that will help you survive the outbreak. These checklists include essential items and things you can make sure you have at home during the ‘social distancing’ or quarantine periods. Once you make sure you have everything from these checklists, you will not need to worry about essential items and can relax. The checklists also come in condensed versions that can be printed out for fast and efficient use.
  • Emergency Power Guide – You must have wondered – what will I do if there is a power breakdown during a lockdown. You can’t go outside, and suddenly, there is nothing to do at home as well. This guide will give you a step-by-step solution to overcome challenges that arise during times of no electricity. From teaching you how to heat water and cook food using solar power, to using solar energy to light up your home and make use of essential appliances, this guide has all sorts of makeshift arrangements to help you survive. It also tells you how to keep the radio running, so you don’t miss important news updates.
  • Videos For Pandemic Survival – This list contains 10 essential videos that are required viewing for everyone having to live in the middle of an outbreak. These videos contain tips and examples to keep you independent during critical situations like a lockdown. The videos will teach you advanced skills like self-defense, sanitizing your home to kill any infections, how to spot symptoms and signs of an infection, etc. These skills will help you protect yourself and your family a little better.

Purchase And Price

You can purchase the Survive Coronavirus e-book from the official website of the creators at a very affordable price. The e-book is priced at $37 because the creators understand that you are buying it to save yourself from a deadly infection and do not want to overcharge. There are no hidden taxes or shipping fees that will be added to this amount since the product is digital and doesn’t need to be shipped to your address.

Once you make the payment and complete the purchase, you get instant access to the e-book. In addition to the Survive Corona Virus e-book, you get the following 3 e-books as a bonus, absolutely free –

  • Survival Essentials, which costs about $39
  • Emergency Power Guide, which costs $69
  • Pandemic Survival Videos, which costs $99

The website accepts all major credit and debit cards – Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and more, so you can easily make your purchase.

 Survive Coronavirus Review

Money-back Guarantee And Refund Policy

If you are unsatisfied with the content and tips in this e-book, you can claim a refund. The creators of this book give you a 60-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked. Whenever you want a refund, just go on the official website, click on the tab that says ‘Get Help,’ and submit your request for a refund. The refund process is quick – it only takes 24 hours because the orders are all digital. Once your request is processed, your money will be credited to your account.

The customer support team of Pandemic Survival Coronavirus is available 24 hours a day, all 7 days of the week. For any other queries regarding the product, your order, or your refund request, you can contact the support team.


How Will Pandemic Survival Coronavirus Help Me?

This e-book contains practical and useful tips you can use to protect your family from the Coronavirus infection. It will help you take care of yourself.

Where Can I Buy Pandemic Survival Coronavirus?

You can buy Pandemic Survival Coronavirus from the official website of the creators of this e-book.

How Long Will It Take To Finish The Course?

It totally depends on you! You can finish this book and implement the tips as soon as you want yourself and your family to be out of danger.

Will Survive Coronavirus Be Shipped To Me?

This book is a digital product. So nothing will be shipped to your address. Once you buy the product, you can instantly access it by downloading it to the device of your choice.

Can I Return The Pandemic Survival Coronavirus E-book?

Yes! If you don’t find the book useful, you have 60 days to return it and get your money refunded.


  • Provides practical tips on how to protect yourself and your family from the fatal Corona Virus
  • Contains insider information and precautionary measures on how to survive the pandemic, obtained from a government body
  • Tells you how to deal with mandatory lockdown and develop immunity to the virus staying home
  • Comes with 3 free bonus books full of valuable tips – Emergency Power Guide, Survival Essentials, and Pandemic Survival Videos
  • Once you buy the book, you get instant access to it as well as the bonuses
  • Comes with a money-back guarantee if you don’t find the book useful


  • The product is completely digital and requires you to have a fast internet connection to download everything

Customer Reviews

Jadz – I live alone in a different city and was worried about my parents. They are both old and at high risk. I also did not know how they would manage if the city went under lockdown. I bought this book for them and I can rest easy now because I know they will survive. This book has so many amazing tips.

Neil – There is suddenly so much information about Corona that I don’t know what to follow. I couldn’t tell what was true and what was false. I’ve never felt more helpless. Then my friend who is a doctor sent me a link to purchase this book. I finished it in a day and now I feel ready to face this threat. I’m sure I can save both my friends and family!

Final Verdict

As humans, it is our duty to take a global pandemic seriously and take steps to protect ourselves and those who are more vulnerable than us. Coronavirus infection could be sitting in your house right now. You might think you are safe because of your age and immunity, but you might transfer the virus to your child or your grandmother, who are at risk.

Now more than ever, it is important to read as much as you can and gather information about the virus. You must also be informed about health tips and the precautions you should take not to spread the virus to anyone, and how to deal with a lockdown. This book contains all the resources you might need in this challenging period. It will equip you to take care of both yourself and your family.

Pandemic Survival Review