Pure Herbal Immunity Blend Review

A strong immune system helps you keep the body healthy by fighting germs and viruses we come in contact with now and then. With the increasing pollution levels, our bodies are more prone to illness and catching infections. Mostly our immune system can keep the body safe but sometimes when situations are worse than normal, it too needs a helping hand.

The outbreak of Coronavirus was made things worse. It is now extremely important to keep our immune system strong to be able to resist the virus, and also keep the surrounding germ-free. A potent disinfectant and immunity booster are the need of the hour.

Immunity Blend from Pure Herbal is the solution we all have been looking for. It is a multipurpose product which can be applied topically to increase our body’s immunity and enhance skin defense against infections. Pure herbal’s immunity blend can also be used to disinfect surfaces and for air purification. This amazing product is a perfect blend of 100% pure and natural essential oils making it completely safe to use.

Pure herbal immunity blend

About Pure Health Immunity Blend

Immunity Blend by Pure Health is a blend of natural essential oils. It’s an oil-based solution created to make your body and your environment germ-free. It boosts your immunity and acts as a protective shield for your skin against environmental pollutants and viruses.

Immunity Blend is made of 100% natural oils making if safe to use. There are no chances of side effects or allergies happening due to the usage of this product. With the recent Coronavirus pandemic, our bodies must have a strong immunity to combat any pathogen attack. Coronavirus spreads mainly by touch if you touch an infected surface and then touch your eyes, mouth or nose; you will catch the infection. With the immunity blend, you can keep all the surfaces in your house or at work disinfected and germ-free. Not just the surface; you can also purify the air with this amazing product. When applied on the skin, you also equip your body with an added immune advantage; the oil gets soaked by the skin and enters the bloodstream helping you boost the immune system of your body.

There are many products available in the market for immunity boost or cleaning purposes but Pure Health Immunity Blend is the only product that combines three different properties in one product. When used regularly, this product yields stupendous results.

Uses of the Pure Herbal Immunity Blend

The Pure Herbal Immunity Blend has multiple uses, it’s a versatile product and can be used in the following ways:

  • Immunity booster: The Pure Herbal Immunity Blend is available in the form of essential oil. You can apply a few drops of this product on your skin topically. The oil gets absorbed by the skin and enters your blood and enhance your body’s defense mechanism. You can also add this oil mixed with a carrier oil; to your bath water and let your body soak in the goodness. Hot water opens up the body pores and will lead to a better infusion of the oils in your skin.
  • Clean surface area: You can also use the Immunity Blend to disinfect surfaces. Add two drops of the essential oil to half an ounce of water, mix it well and transfer it to a spray bottle. You can then spray this liquid on kitchen tops, tabletops, furniture, doorknobs, toys, etc and wipe it with a clean cloth to make everything germ-free and keep your family safe always.
  • Air purification: The Pure Health Immunity Blend can be added to water and diffused into the air directly from a spray bottle to purify the air. You can also add this to your room humidifier and keep your house hydrated and infection-free easily.

What are the ingredients of the Pure Health Immunity Blend?

The Pure Health Immunity Blend is made of all-natural ingredients. The product is safe to use and will not result in any allergic reactions. Let’s explore the list of contents to understand how effective this product is. Pure Health Immunity Blend consists of the following ingredients:

  • Cinnamon Leaf– It is a widely known effective immunity booster. It makes the body defense strong and protects you from the common cold. Cinnamon leaf tends to drive away viruses, bacteria, and pathogens.
  • Lemon– Lemon is a citrus fruit. It is known to be an effective disinfectant, it helps detox. Lemon also has antiseptic and anti-fungal properties
  • Clove bud– This acts as an anti-microbial agent. A clove bud effectively kills bacteria. It is known to boost immunity, fight infections, soothe a sore throat and is good for the skin. It makes your skin radiant.
  • Eucalyptus Globulus– It is an oil extracted from the large Eucalyptus trees. It has cleansing properties and strongly aromatic fragrance which freshens up the atmosphere.
  • Rosemary– It is an herb with a strong fragrance; found in the Mediterranean. It’s mostly used in cooking but also has antibacterial properties.
  • Peppermint– This strong-smelling plant is a hybrid between spearmint and watermint. It has properties that help cure cough and throat infections.
  • Spearmint– This herb is high in ant- oxidants. It helps fight bacterial infections and keeps the body strong.
  • Oregano– This herb has some very potent medicinal properties. It is rich in anti-oxidants. It helps fight bacteria and boosts the immunity of a body.

With such effective organic substances combined, Pure Herbal Immunity Blend is a powerful formula, built to protect and defend your body against viruses and bacteria, naturally. There are no chances of any potential allergic reactions. It is completely safe to use, natural products; to safeguard you and your family’s health.

Pure herbal immunity blend review

Benefits of using Pure Herbal Immunity Blend

The Pure Herbal Immunity Blend is an amazing product, helping you boost not only your body defense but also sterilizing the surroundings to keep you safe.

  • The Pure Health Immunity Blend helps enhance your body’s defense mechanism by boosting immunity.
  • It also acts as a surface and air disinfectant; helping you create a safe environment for your loved ones.
  • The product is made of all-natural ingredients which makes it safe to use, without having to worry about any possible side-effects.
  • The same product can be used in three different ways, it’s your one-stop-shop for maintaining health and hygiene for yourself and your home.
  • The Pure Health Immunity Blend is great for families with infants. Infants tend to crawl on the floor and put anything in their mouths and end up falling sick. You can disinfect the floors with this Immunity Blend and let the young one have fun; while you sit back and relax.
  • It is the ultimate Virus defense blend. One solution can boost your immunity and protect you from viruses, disinfect your homes and even purify the very air you breathe in.
  • The Pure Health Immunity Blend will keep you safe from harmful toxins, bacteria, and viruses.
  • It keeps you and your family in good health and hygiene.
  • The Pure Health Immunity Blend has an energizing and uplifting aroma.
  • This product is available only on the official website, ensuring that only genuine product reaches the customer.
  • The Pure Health Immunity Blend is GMO- free.
  • It is a vegan product so everyone can use this.
  • First- time users can avail of a buy one get one free offer on the product’s official website.
  • This is a gluten-free product.
  • The Pure Health Immunity Blend has been GC/MS tested. This ensures that the product does not contain any harmful chemicals. This product has also been tested by third parties for quality standards.

Disadvantages of the Pure Health Immunity Blend

  • The Pure Health Immunity Blend is not available in the local stores.
  • Pregnant and lactating females are advised to consult their physicians before using this product.
  • The Pure Health Immunity Blend must be used only in the advised amounts. Exceeding the advised limit may result in adverse reactions.
  • Customers need to pay shipping charges along with the product price.

Price policy of the Pure Health Immunity Blend

You can purchase the Pure Health Immunity Blend on the Pure Health official website only. One bottle containing 15ml of Pure Health Immunity Blend is priced at 72.94 USD. This includes shipping costs as well.

The company Pure Health sells the product only through their official website. It is not available at any retail store. This ensures that no fake products are being circulated in the market and the customers receive a 100% genuine product only.

order Pure herbal immunity blend

What are the customers saying?

Many people have benefited from this wonderful product. Let’s hear from the end-users, how the Pure Health Immunity Blend has helped them improve the quality of their lives.

“I am the mother of a 5-year old. Kids at this age are very curious they will want to touch and feel everything. Ever since the outbreak of the Coronavirus I have been living in a constant state of fear. Cleaning surfaces repeatedly in the house and disinfecting, this, however; did not put my mind at complete ease. Pure Health Immunity Blend solved my problem. Its three in one functionality helps me make my house virus free and gives me mental peace. I can even rub some of this oil on the skin to further enhance the defense against pathogens. The fact that it is made of all-natural ingredients gives me the confidence to use this product by having to worry about any resultant allergies. All I need to it is disinfect the surfaces and then add some to the diffuser, this keeps the house germ- free throughout the day and ensure my family’s good health and safety. It is an awesome product; I would recommend everyone to get your bottle of good health now”- Candice.

“I have an OCD about cleanliness. Be it my house, work-station or my car. The idea of touching lift buttons, doorknobs and other such things in public with bare hands is a little scary. I used to sanitize my hands after every such contact and yet be fearful of catching an infection. Ever since I started using the Pure Health Immunity Blend, I am much relieved. It’s like I have my exclusive bodyguard protecting me from those unseen, harmful pathogens. This has taken so much stress off my mind. I use this product as an essential oil on my skin and also spray it in the house, my car and even my work station to disinfect surfaces. It gives me such relief to know that my atmosphere is free of infections pathogen. I no longer have to use 3 different products for different purposes. One small bottle solves it all. This product has made my life so much simpler”. – Anna


In these times of increasing environmental pollution and diseases, we all want to make ourselves and our loved ones safe from this toxicity. Our immune system is the body’s natural defense against such elements and if it fails, we are more prone to illnesses. We need a product to help strengthen our defense mechanism and equip the body to fight these harmful elements

The Pure Health Immunity Blend is the modern-day elixir, we were in dire need of. It’s three in one functionality makes life so much easy. Imagine having to use a different product for skin defense, a different product for home sanitation and a third product for air purification; all this in one bottle is so much better. This coupled with the fact that the product is 100% natural is a dream come true.

It keeps you in good health and does so with the help of natural ingredients. There is a rising demand for natural products in the market today. The consumers are tired of using chemical-laced products. This is a perfect blend of natural oils and so far at a great price. We recommend you get your bottle of good health today and give your loved ones and yourself a happy germ- free environment.

Pure herbal immunity blend price