Testogen Review

As you grow older, the level of testosterone- the hormone that makes you a man, often drops and you suddenly find you are no longer to perform your best. Worry not, Testogen, with its triple action formula, brings you the solution to all your problems. If you find yourself being constantly tired, not having enough energy and sleeping all day, Testogen is a safe and natural testosterone supplement to increase your testosterone production.


What Is Testogen?

Testosterone, as we know, is a hormone present in both men and women and has important functions in our bodies. But in men, testosterone is far more significant as it is the hormone responsible for maintaining vigor and virility in men.

Testosterone is characterized under a group of hormones called androgens and is also responsible for expression of male features in teenage boys, among other things.

Normally, men produce a much higher level of testosterone as compared to women and it is thus primarily called a male hormone. However, your testosterone production may decrease drastically due to various factors, especially aging. A low testosterone level causes problems like lethargy, a lack of libido, a constant feeling of tiredness, etc.

Testogen, produced by the company of Advanced Health Limited, is a natural testosterone booster that contains natural ingredients to help boost your testosterone levels in an easy and safe manner.

Testogen claims to:

  • Improve your muscle size for increased strength and stamina.
  • Improve your focus at work or sports.
  • Rid you of tiredness, lethargy, irritability, lack of concentration and excessive body fat.
  • Help you gain your lost libido, stamina, and muscle tone back.

Ingredients Used in Testogen and Their Functions

testogen ingredients

Testogen comes with the claim of having been made from well-tested, 100 % safe and natural ingredients that boost your testosterone levels naturally and safely. It is said to be a unique combination of 11 ingredients that help boost your strength and stamina and make you ready to tackle anything, anywhere.

The ingredients actively used in Testogen are:

  1. D-Aspartic acid (2000 mg): This component helps increase your fitness and sex-drive, along with maintaining your erectile fitness. D-Aspartic Acid improves your overall physical fitness by promoting both your mental and physical well-being.
  2. Tribulus Terrestris (300 mg): Tribulus Terrestris is a fruit extract that has been observed to have a positive effect on testosterone levels. It boosts your testosterone while also serving as an anti-inflammatory agent to help with long workout sessions so that no serious injuries happen and recovery time is shorter.
  3. Panax Ginseng (250 mg): Panax Ginseng or Red ginseng powder is a root extract that is found in many multivitamins and dietary supplements. Panax ginseng is known to increase energy and help cure erectile dysfunction while also helping with anxiety by calming the nerves.
  4. Fenugreek Extract (200 mg): Fenugreek is a natural ingredient that increases libido, confidence, and performance in every sector, increasing the overall quality of life.
  5. Zinc gluconate (72 mg): Zinc is known to be a great booster of the male stamina. It increases the production of testosterone, helps in boosting libido and sexual momentum, as well as increase the quality and quantity of sperm.
  6. Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (56 mg): pyridoxine hydrochloride, commonly known as vitamin B6 is another natural ingredient that increases testosterone production.
  7. Riboflavin (20 mg): Riboflavin is also known as vitamin B2. It helps to increase the overall activeness of the formula in Testogen.
  8. Pantothenic Calcium (12 mg): This component is commonly called vitamin B5 and is a component of the vitamin B complex and has a function similar to that of Vitamin B6 and B2.
  9. Selenium (45.2 mg): It benefits the male body in various ways and also increases testosterone production.
  10. Cholecalciferol (10 mcg): The common name for cholecalciferol is vitamin D3, or simply vitamin D. It prevents testosterone from getting converted to estrogen and thus helps in the production of more male hormones.
  11. Other ingredients include Magnesium, Vitamin K1, Nettle-leaf extract, Bioperine and Piperine extract.

How Does Testogen Work?

Testosterone is a hormone that is responsible for virility and masculinity in males. It is also known as the male hormone and a decrease in its level can leave you feeling tired and listless with a loss of focus and sexual energy. This condition is known as hypogonadism and is a source of nightmare for every man.

As the testosterone production in your body decreases with age or due to other factors, testosterone supplements can boost it right back up and you can delay the effects of age on your manliness. Testogen is one such testosterone supplement that claims to be made with 100 percent natural ingredients that increases your testosterone levels without any side-effects.

An important distinction between testosterone therapy and testosterone boosters is that testosterone therapy requires a prescription and can have serious side-effects and consequences.

Testosterone boosters, however, are completely naturally made with ingredients that aid your testosterone production system or prevent its slowing down without leaving you to face any consequences.

What Does Testogen Do?

A strong, muscled and virile man is confident in every walk of his life and lives his life fully. Testogen brings back the real you by raising your testosterone levels naturally and effectively.

  • Testogen boosts your testosterone in a manner that is completely safe and natural with the help of a list of effectively combined ingredients that are 100 percent pure, and natural.
  • With Testogen, you can expect to see improved muscle growth, especially the lean muscle content of your body. Workouts will yield better results as you will lose body fat quicker and with ease.
  • Testogen restores your energy and stamina, both inside and outside your bedroom and brings a fresh wave of virility to doubly improve your sex life. Your bedroom is bound to become exciting again as your tiredness vanishes.
  • Improve your focus and motivation to accomplish things at work or during training and sports. Testogen raises your concentration level and you can see visible results as the quality of work drastically improves.


Benefits of Using Testogen

Testogen, the natural testosterone booster increases the testosterone production in your body to stop you from feeling old before time. Using Testogen has been reported to benefit the body in the following ways:

  • Get your edge back with a new, improved level of testosterone in your body by using Testogen. Be it at work or in sports, notch your competitiveness up by a level or ten with better and improved focus.
  • Testogen melts unwanted body fat quickly, leaving you leaner, stronger and more confident than before. Higher testosterone levels aid in fat burning and reduce your body fat for a sharper body and mind.
  • Your libido reaches new heights when you use Testogen that lets you perform at your peak in your bedroom. With Testogen, no longer worry about being too tired or not feeling up to it in your bedroom.
  • Your workout sessions are going to be longer with more energy and vitality at your disposal, leaving you to feel better and more refreshed than before. Testogen also reduces your cholesterol while at it.

Dosage and Usage Instructions

Testogen is safe, natural and easy to use. The recommended dosage is to take 4 capsules per day with your food which merges with your daily routine effortlessly.

Price and Refund Policy

You can buy Testogen only through the manufacturer’s official website. The price of a single bottle is around $59.99.

The prices of combined packs are lesser. Get a buy 2 get 1 free for $119.99, and a buy 3 get 2 free along with an instructional e-book for $179.99. Testogen offers free shipping all over the world.

In case of dissatisfaction with the product, Testogen offers a 60-day money-back guarantee. Return the product within 60 days of your date of purchase to get a full refund of your money, no questions asked.

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Side Effects of Using Testogen

Since Testogen is made with natural ingredients after extensive researches, the supplement is found to be harmless without having any side-effects.

However, it is important to note that the recommended dosage is not exceeded.

If you are not other medications, it is advisable to consult with your doctor before consuming the Testogen testosterone supplement.

Frequently Asked Questions about Testogen:

Where is Testogen delivered?

Testogen is delivered for free all over the world. For hassle-free shipping, provide an in-detailed, accurate address complete with information like Area Code, Pin Code, country, and state, etc.

Who can take Testogen supplement?

Testogen testosterone supplements can be taken by anybody above 18 years of age. It is especially beneficial for weight lifters, body-builders, athletes, and men looking to improve their overall weight and physique.

Can I take Testogen for an extended period of time?

Testogen is made with 100 percent natural ingredients and thus, has no side-effects as such. However, to see better results, it is recommended that you take a break of a few weeks from taking the Testogen supplement every few months or so. The break period will help you assess the natural working condition of your body, based on which you can decide whether to continue taking the supplement or discontinue it.

How long does Testogen take to work?

The speed and effectiveness of Testogen supplement depend on the overall health of the individual consuming it. However, the general estimated time within which Testogen should start working and show visible results pertaining to both physical and mental health is about 1 to 4 weeks.

How should I space out my daily intake of Testogen?

The recommended dosage of Testogen is 4 capsules a day and is to be taken along with food. For best results, a gap between each capsule consumption is recommended to help your body absorb the nutrients best.

Can I buy Testogen at my local drugstore?

Testogen is available only on the manufacturer’s official website and thus, can only be purchased online. However, Testogen has a worldwide free shipping policy, which makes accessing the supplement easier without paying extra for the delivery charge.


What Are The Pros & Cons of Using Testogen?


  • Testogen is made from 100 percent natural ingredients. It is a supplement that aids your natural testosterone producing mechanism and improves stamina, concentration, and libido for a better life experience up to a long time.
  • The product has undergone extensive research prior to manufacture to make it a well-balanced, safe, and effective testosterone booster.
  • Testogen does not have any detrimental side-effects on your body.


  • Testogen is available only via the manufacturer’s website, which means it has to be purchased online. This makes it a problem for consumers with no or irregular internet access or those staying in areas where shipping is slow.
  • When considering the daily dosage, Testogen proves to be quite expensive, as much as $2 per capsule on average when you buy a bottle that holds only enough dosage for about 30 days.

Before and After Results Pictures

Testogen before after results

Testogen before after results

Customer Reviews

The exercise communities at BroScience and The Supplement Reviews have glowing recommendations for Testogen. The review covers important areas like ingredients and effectiveness and cites the product to be highly effective.

To quote a few of the consumers:

“Testogen is the product I’ve been waiting for all my life” ~ Habib

“I’ve increased my strength and gained 7lbs of lean muscle.” ~ Nolan

“I’ve lost weight, feel more active, and have much more confidence.” ~ Mark

Conclusion: The Final Verdict

Considering the pros and cons of Testogen, we can conclude that the product is worth giving a shot for all the benefits it offers as opposed to its cons, which are negligible. Testogen is made with natural ingredients and has a money-back policy. If you want a boost in your natural testosterone levels without facing serious side-effects, Testogen is a product worth trying for you.

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