TestRX Review

In modern times, many men around the globe are affected by the low testosterone problem. Testosterone hormone plays various essential functions in the body. This hormone also plays a crucial role in building stronger muscles. The athletes or bodybuilders having the right testosterone level can train themselves for an extended period. Apart from that, this hormone is also quite crucial in preventing various cardiovascular diseases. Constant illness, Depression, Unhealthy lifestyle, Obesity, etc. are some of the common causes behind the low testosterone level. Presently, there are various testosterone boosters available in the market. All of these supplements are mainly designed to increase your testosterone level. However, most of the testosterone boosters available in the market are not useful, and also made up of various chemical ingredients. So if you are looking for a natural testosterone booster, then here is an in-depth review of the TestRX supplement.


About TestRX

TestRX is one of the most famous testosterone boosters in the market. This product was mainly designed to enhance muscle growth and to increase energy levels. This product is primarily made for men above 40 years of age. The TestRX is designed and developed by Leading Edge Health, a known name in the supplement market. By using this product, you can quickly treat the problem of obesity, weakness, loss of strength, etc. All the herbs and ingredients present in the TestRX are scientifically tested and will definitely increase your testosterone production.

How the TestRX works?

The TestRX supplement is made up of various natural ingredients. All the ingredients present in this product are pretty helpful in boosting your HGH levels. Apart from that, these ingredients are also quite beneficial in increasing the rate of protein synthesis. Protein Synthesis is very important in building stronger muscles. So once the protein synthesis has been raised, you can simply increase your muscle mass, and also you can decrease the amount of cortisol hormone in your body. Apart from that, the TestRX also contains amino acids. Amino acids help your body to recover faster after a hard and proper workout.

How to use TestRX?

For optimum results, you must take at least two pills in a day. The results might differ from person to person. Therefore you can also take more than two pills throughout the day as per your requirement. However, it is recommended by the company that you must not take more than four capsules in a day. All the pills must be taken with water at least 25 minutes before your meal. By using this supplement regularly for 2 to 3 weeks, you would definitely get perfect results.

Ingredients used in the TestRX

TestRX ingredients

The TestRX is made up of various natural herbs. So here is the list of the components present in this product:

  • Tongkat Ali

Tongkat Ali is considered one of the best herbs in increasing the testosterone level. This herb can increase testosterone production by up to 45 per cent.

  • Brassica Campestris

Brassica Campestris is quite helpful in treating various prostate diseases. This herb can be used by anyone who wants a healthy prostate.

  • Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus Terrestris is one of the essential ingredients present in the TestRX. This ingredient encourages your body to produce more testosterone. This herb is one of the primary reasons behind the success of the TestRX.

  • Fenugreek

The Fenugreek herb is pretty helpful in increasing your stamina and complete sexual performance. Apart from that, it also enhances your overall health condition.

  • Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is one of the most popular herbs present in this product. This herb is beneficial in dealing with the problems of depression, anxiety, and insomnia.

  • Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 is quite crucial for your bone’s health. Therefore, the Vitamin D3 present in this supplement is pretty helpful in strengthening your bones by increasing the production of testosterone.

  • Agaricus Bisporus

The Agaricus Bisporus is commonly known as the Immune Booster. This herb is pretty useful in improving your overall health.

  • Vitamin K

Vitamin K commonly works as a testosterone stabilizer. Apart from that, this herb is also quite helpful in providing various benefits to the cardiovascular system.

  • Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is pretty useful in managing the estrogen. This herb is primarily present to control the levels of estrogen in your body.

  • D-Aspartic Acid

The main reason behind the problem of low testosterone is the deficiency of D-AA. Therefore this herb is mainly included in this supplement to solve various issues connected to low testosterone levels.

Advantages of the TestRX

Here are a few of the benefits of using the TestRX:

  • By using the TestRX, you would get a more frequent and hard erection.
  • By using this supplement, you will definitely increase your strength by over 30 percent.
  • The TestRX provides all the required nutrients to your body. This will reduce the chance of bone fractures.
  • The TestRX also plays a crucial role in increasing your sexual desire and also it is pretty helpful in improving the blood circulation.
  • The TestRX reduces your stress, and also it plays a vital role in boosting your immune system.


The TestRX can be purchased from the official website of the company. The company offers you the best six purchase options. So you can easily choose any one of them as per your convenience. Each pack of the TestRX has 120 capsules. So here are the options offered by the company:-

  • There is a six month supply option. This option will cost you $349.95.
  • You can also go for the five-month supply option. This option will cost you $299.95
  • The company also has a four-month supply option. This option will cost you $239.95
  • You can also check the three month supply option. This option will cost you $179.95
  • There is a two month supply option. The price of this option is $119.95
  • The last option offered by the company is a one month supply option. The cost of this option is 59.95 dollars.

You can easily place the order of this product from any part of the world by fax, phone, or mail as well. The best part about the TestRX is that the worldwide shipping charge is only 13 dollars.

order testrx

The TestRX comes with a 100 percent refund policy. You can easily ask for a refund within the two months of purchase. You can ask for a refund by just writing an email to the company. You will get a complete refund in 4 to 6 days in your bank account.


What are the side effects of the TestRX?

As such, there are no side effects of using the TestRX supplement. All the ingredients present in this product are entirely natural. The ingredients included in this product are scientifically tested and carefully selected. However, there are some of the precautions that you will have to follow to protect yourself from any side effects. 

Is TestRX a steroid?

No, the TestRX is not a steroid. Using steroids for a more extended period can harm your body in various ways. Therefore this product contains multiple herbs like Fenugreek, Tongkat Ali, etc. All of these ingredients will naturally tell your body to start making more of testosterones.

 How is this product different from various other supplements?

There are a few reasons behind the success of TestRX. All the top components included in this product are clinically proven as well as they are considered as the best way to increase the testosterone level, strength, and stamina. Apart from that, the TestRX is not a bit expensive compared to other testosterone boosters present in the market. Due to all of these reasons, this supplement is considered as a superior.

How long do I have to wait to get the perfect results?

 After using this product for a few weeks, you will definitely see a change in your body. Most of the customers have experienced some of the positive changes within the first two to three weeks. Therefore, you will have to use the supplement for the period 3 to 4 months to get the desired results.

How long I have to wait to get this product?

The manufacturer of the TestRX offers you worldwide shipping. So if you are ordering this product from any part of the U.S, then you will get the delivery within 2-3 days. In case you have opted for a regular mail option, then you will get the delivery in 1 to 2 weeks. Also, you have ordered from any other country, and then you will have to wait for 3 to 4 weeks.

Pros and Cons

Here are notable pros and cons of the TestRX:


  • The TestRX contains the ZMA component. ZMA is pretty helpful in boosting your stamina level.
  • The TestRX is pretty easy to use, and it does not affect your body in any way.
  • Unlike various other testosterone boosters, this product is made up of different natural ingredients like Magnesium Aspartate, Brassica Campestris, etc.
  • The TestRX is one of the popular supplements among various athletes and bodybuilders as it is time-tested and proven with the results.
  • The TestRX increases your stamina and reduce the recovery time after an extensive workout.


  • The one month supply option is a bit on the expensive side.
  • It might affect your body if you are taking an excessive dosage.

Customer Reviews

The TestRX has got lots of positive reviews from its customers. So here are some of the TestRX customer reviews.

I ordered the TestRX after reading various reviews online. After using this product for a week, I was feeling more energized and fresh. This product has definitely worked for me. After using this supplement, my stamina and energy have also increased. Overall, I am happy with this product. By Alan

My friend had told me about TestRX. After using this supplement for ten days, I was feeling some of the good changes in my body. I’m feeling more energized, and my sexual performance has also increased. It is one of the best supplements that I have found till date. So definitely I would recommend this product. By Steven 

Before using this product, I had a low sex drive. Due to this reason, I was losing my confidence, and it was affecting my personal as well as professional life. However, one day I came to know about the TestRX. The TestRX has provided lots of benefits to me. I am feeling fresh throughout the day. By Jim

I was unable to take part in any of the physical activities due to fatigue. Due to this reason I was getting overweight. I was eagerly looking for something that can help me to treat this problem. So researching a bit, I finally found the TestRX. After using this product, I can work out in the gym for a more extended time. By Tom 

I was suffering from the problem of erectile dysfunction. I have tried various supplements that can help me to increase my testosterone problem. But none of the supplements provided me with perfect results. So one day, I ordered the TestRX supplement after reading various reviews online. After using this product regularly, I am getting hard and long-lasting erections. By Tom 

I ordered the TestRX for my boyfriend. At the initial stage, my boyfriend was a bit afraid of this product. However, after consulting the physician, he started using this supplement regularly. After using it for a few weeks, he had more energy and was always in a perfect mood at work. He is pleased with the TestRX. By Ashley


The TestRX is primarily known for providing various benefits to its customers at a reasonable price. This product is quite helpful in improving your sex drive and also increases your sexual performance and endurance. Apart from that, the TestRX also contains D-Aspartic Acid. The D-Aspartic Acid is one of a unique ingredient present only in this product. So, at last, you must try and invest in the TestRX product and try to experience the fantastic benefits offered by this supplement.

testrx reviews