What Are The Effects Of Boosting Your Testosterone Level?

The human body has been one of the best creations around us, isn’t it? There are so many complex mechanisms that occur every single second inside our body and these mechanisms help us be ourselves and do our day’s chores today. Understanding all the functions of the human body is definitely not easy and if we dive into the hormone world that exists inside a body — it definitely is complicated! There are different kinds of hormones within our body that perform various roles.


In the world of hormones, testosterone is a very important one as it is considered to be an anabolic hormone that helps regulate the development of our bones, muscles, and also our sex organs. Most of us believe that this particular hormone is more essential for men and their growth more than women. Having a good, existence of testosterone in both male and female bodies is very vital. The only difference is that in males, the testosterone hormone is in larger quantities when compared to the lower levels present in women.

This particular hormone, testosterone is known to develop and increase more during the puberty stage and then it begins to decline after you have completed early adulthood. There is a condition called hypogonadism which is a condition where there are extremely low levels of this particular hormone and it affects men more than women. It is said that if a person has lower test restaurant levels, Then their muscle mass takes ahead, it leads to a decrease in the libido levels of the body, and it also poses a risk of cardiovascular diseases. Amongst the various functions that take place in the body, it is the testosterone hormone that stimulates the production of red blood cells, and let’s not forget that it is these red blood cells that provide oxygen to the various organs and muscles present in our body. Of course, the presence of too many red blood cells has its own potential risks but insufficient amounts of red blood cells can lead to organ failure and other health problems.

There are different therapies that help increase the production of testosterone in the body of which, natural hormone replacement is the one that holds more potential.

Let us understand the role of the testosterone hormone in the different parts of the body. Read on.

Reproductive system

After conception, the testosterone hormone helps in the formation of male genitals. At the stage of puberty, when the testosterone production is at a whole time high, the penis and the testicles begin to grow. It is the testicles that are responsible for producing testosterone and ensuring a fresh supply of sperm every single day. Men who do not have adequate amounts of this particular hormone are known to be prey to the ED problem.

Central nervous system

Our body has its own system to control testosterone. Its system sends messages via hormones and chemicals get released into the bloodstream. Inside the brain, the hypothalamus signals the pituitary gland as to how much testosterone is needed, and then the pituitary gland releases this piece of information to the testicles. The testosterone hormone plays a vital role in behavior that includes dominance and aggression. It sparks competitiveness and boosts self-esteem. Just like how sexual activity affects the testosterone levels, similarly if one is taking part in activities that are competitive in nature, there also these hormone levels tend to rise or fall.

Lower testosterone levels lead to loss of confidence and no motivation to do anything at all. It can make a man sulk and create sleep disturbances and low energy levels.


We all know that during puberty the levels of testosterone rise and this leads to the healthy growth of the penis, pubic hair, and testicles. This is the stage where a man’s voice deepens, muscles and body hair begin to grow. And along with all these changes comes sexual desire.

Remember that lose it or use it as a theory? There is a tiny bit of truth to it! A man who has low levels of testosterone hormone loses the desire to have sex. Sexual activity and stimulation cause testosterone levels to rise up.

Hair and skin

During the transition of a man from his childhood into adulthood, the testosterone hormone spurs the development of hair on different parts of the man’s body — the face, the armpits, and around the genital areas. It might also grow more on the chest, legs, and arms. A man whose testosterone levels shrink begins to lose body hair. There is a therapy called testosterone replacement therapy, however, it comes with potential side effects – breast enlargement and acne! Using testosterone patches can cause skin irritation as well.

Circulatory system

This hormone travels throughout the body via the bloodstream. And the only way to know the level of this hormone is to measure it through a blood test. It is said that the testosterone hormone spurs into the bone marrow in order to produce red blood cells and therefore it has a very positive effect on the most vital organ of the body, the heart. Some studies also say that investigating the level of testosterone effect in our body can help us understand more about blood pressure, cholesterol, the clot-busting ability of a body.

Muscle, bone, and fat

Testosterone is considered to be one of the many factors that have direct involvement in developing muscle strength and mass. This particular hormone can increase neurotransmitters that encourage tissue growth. This hormone also interacts with DNA’s nuclear receptors, these cause protein synthesis.

It also increases the bone density by telling the bone marrow to produce more red blood cells. Men who have lower levels of this particular hormone are likely to suffer from more fractures.

Testosterone also participates in fat metabolism by burning fat more efficiently. It is said that if a man’s testosterone levels drop, body fat increases immediately.

By including foods that are rich in nutrients like for example — fatty fish, dark leafy greens, avocados, cocoa products, etc. one can boost the production of testosterone naturally!