Is Bluechew’s Generic Sildenafil As Good As Viagra?

Many people are concerned whether the ingredients of BlueChew are as good as Viagra and other popular ED medications. You can rest assured that both contain the same ingredient, Sildenafil, and they work in the same manner. The brand of the pills does not matter much, and you should pay attention to the ingredients that do the actual work. In this regard, it can be easily said that the generic Sildenafil in BlueChew works in the same manner as the ingredients of Viagra.

In fact, BlueChew is in many ways better than Viagra as you get many other advantages like not having to visit the doctor personally and ordering them online. Apart from that, you should also understand that the method of consuming BlueChew is different from that of Viagra. While Viagra has to be swallowed like regular pills, BlueChew is the chewable version of ED medication. This is to help those people who are allergic to taking regular medication and they can easily use the chewable pills without any hassles.


How are BlueChew and Viagra different?

BlueChew comes in the chewable form, and Viagra has to be swallowed like a regular pill along with water. Other than that, you can order Bluechew online and get it delivered to your home. On the other hand, you have to buy Viagra over the counter by providing a prescription. The ingredients of both these tablets are the same, and they provide similar effects. However, the dose of Sildenafil in both of them may vary, and you have to check the product label for all that information. You can also ask your doctor about the right dosage and take the pills in the proper dose.

You can buy Viagra by providing a prescription at the counter in small quantities. This means that you have to visit the doctor regularly in order to buy erectile dysfunction medication. This can be slightly embarrassing for many people as they hesitate to visit the medical stores to ask for erectile dysfunction tablets. The advantage with BlueChew is that you can conveniently order them online, and it will be sent to your home in discreet packaging. In this way, you can order ED medication confidently without revealing your private details.

Sildenafil – common ingredient of both BlueChew and Viagra

Sildenafil is the common ingredient of both BlueChew and Viagra. Sildenafil is commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction, and the effect usually lasts for about 4 hours after taking the pills. It will take about an hour to show effect initially. Both BlueChew and Viagra work in the same manner with regard to sildenafil variety.

However, you also get tadalafil variety with BlueChew, and you can choose Sildenafil or tadalafil according to your convenience. While the effects of Sildenafil last for a shorter duration, the effect of tadalafil can last for nearly 24 hours or more depending on the dosage and your health condition.

Side effects of Sildenafil

The most common side effects of Sildenafil include nausea and headache. Some people also complain about an upset stomach after using these pills. In rare cases, it can cause temporary problems with vision. You should not be upset with vision problems as this often resolves itself once the effects of viagra start fading in your body. Some people may also experience rashes while using Sildenafil. However, this should usually go away once your body starts getting accustomed to such medication.

When it comes to dealing with side effects, you need to understand that ignoring the side effects can be a good solution for most people. Unless the symptoms are severe, do not worry about it as they will go away on their own without the need for any medication. However, when the symptoms are severe, you may have to visit a doctor and get suitable treatment. Most people report that the side effects go away within 4-5 hours after taking the tablet as the effect of Sildenafil will reduce in the body by this duration.

How to order BlueChew?

You can comfortably order BlueChew online by visiting the official portal of the company. All you need to do is choose the right prescription plan and upload the prescription to get the pills delivered to your home. The company offers monthly subscription plans, and you can get some discounts when you order them for a few months at once. The advantage of ordering online in this manner is that the pills will be sent to your home in discreet packaging. In this way, your product information will not be revealed to the courier company, and you can securely order your ED medication without any embarrassment.

Read: Six Top Reasons Why Ed Drugs May Not Work

Common precautions to take while using Sildenafil

  • The first thing you need to remember while taking Sildenafil is that it takes about 30 minutes to one hour for the pills to start showing some effect. In this regard, you should take the pills at least an hour before you plan to engage in sexual activity.
  • The effect of Sildenafil lasts for nearly 3-4 hours, depending on the dosage of the tablet you have taken and your health condition and diet. You have to manage the sexual activity according to this time factor. It is generally avoidable to take two sildenafil tablets back to back on the same day as this can lead to a risk of overdose in some cases.
  • When you take Sildenafil, you may have some side effects like headache, nausea, pain in the body and other symptoms. These are not unusual, and you should avoid taking medication to treat the side effects as they may affect the working of Sildenafil. Taking pills for headache may interfere with the performance of Sildenafil in some cases.
  • Never use alcohol when you are taking Sildenafil as this can cause complications in some cases. If at all, you have to consume alcohol, try to give at least an hour gap between alcohol and using the tablet so that your body can process them without causing complications.
  • It is always a good idea to consult your doctor before taking Sildenafil as this medication should not be used without a prescription. Your doctor will analyze your situation and suggest the best dosage that will help you to treat erectile dysfunction problems.
  • If you are regularly taking medication for other health conditions, do not mix them with Sildenafil as they can lead to some complications. Give some gap in between different medications so that your body gets enough time to process the medications.
  • If you are suffering from heart conditions, you should strictly avoid using Sildenafil and other over the counter ED medication. Your doctor will carefully look into your situation and suggest suitable alternatives to the regular ED medication to avoid complications with heart problems.

The Sildenafil in BlueChew works in the same way as the Sildenafil in Viagra. There is no change in that, and you should just take a note of the dosage mentioned in the package. You should use the appropriate dosage according to the instructions of your doctor. Depending on your overall health condition and seriousness of the problem, your doctor will suggest the right dosage to treat your ED problem. Make sure to use the pills as per the suggestions of your doctor to avoid any complications.