VigorNow Review

For men wanting to improve their sexual performance in bed, increase penis size or enhance libido, male enhancement pills may be the way to go. But while most products make tall claims about the efficacy of the products, research to support these claims is limited. That’s why it is necessary to opt for natural products to avoid side effects or any lasting permanent damage.


What is Sex Drive?

To understand the need for male enhancement pills, it is necessary to understand what sex drive is. Sex drive or libido is the desire and ability to be able to enjoy sex and be able to sustain orgasm, which satisfies the partner.

A man’s sex drive decreases with an increase in age. The male hormone, testosterone, is high when a man is in his 20s. It begins to decrease when men hit their mid-30s and then decreases on an average of 1% every year. It could be faster or slower depending on a man’s lifestyle, genes, and other factors such as work and family stress. All these affect interest in sex.

This is when the need for a male enhancement pill arises.

What is VigorNow?

VigorNow is an organic and 100% natural male enhancement supplement that improves a man’s libido and the size of his penis. It enhances libido, staying power, orgasm and increases penis size to give harder and sustainable erections.

This natural supplement does not have any known side effects and has many positive testimonials that can be found on the website. The website also contains evidence of research analysis, benefits, performance, and the efficacy of the product. All these prove that the product has been intensively researched before being marketed.

It improves male reproductive health by increasing sperm volume and count. It identifies sexual problems caused due to lack of energy and remedies them. This dietary supplement regulates

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The product contains natural ingredients sourced from around the world and is known to improve male health. Here are the ingredients used in the product –

  1. L Arginine – It’s a natural component that increases the production of nitric oxide in the body, which, in turn, helps improve and sustain an erection.
  2. Muira Puama – The extracts of this ingredient help improve fertility by increasing sperm count, which occurs when there is an increased production of testosterone.
  3. Asian Ginseng – The use of the extract of Asian Ginseng increases blood circulation in the penis. This natural ingredient is also known to help treat erectile dysfunction and improve erections.
  4. Catuaba Bark – This plant extract improves libido and performance and helps reduce fatigue.

The Science of VigorNow

Men desire to have a big penis, which is why they resort to the use of several means to increase their penis size. An enhanced penis increases self-confidence and sexual prowess.

VigorNow gives them all these naturally without any side effects. It consists of natural ingredients sourced from all around the world. These ingredients have been used in traditional medicines since ancient times to treat male disorders. They enhance erection and restore the vascular health of the genitals by increasing the production of endogenous testosterone.

The use of natural ingredients removes any risk of adverse effects, allergies, or other negative effects from the use of the supplement. Medically, the product is safe to use and a painless alternative to surgery.

The results of using the product vary from one individual to another. It has been observed that the supplement increases the penis’ size by 5 to 7 cms on average.

vigornow review

How does VigorNow Work?

Here are the four ways in which VigorNow works –

  1. Improves the Health of Corpora Cavernosa – The supplement helps increase the flow of blood to the corpora cavernosa, which, in turn, increases the flow to the penis and results in a long-lasting erection.
  2. Restores Cell Regeneration – Cell regeneration is essential for the corpora cavernosa to give long-lasting erections. VigorNow contains antioxidants that help in the production of new cells and the regeneration of tissues.
  3. Eliminates Hormonal Imbalance – VigprNow increases testosterone levels in the body. This male hormone is essential to a man’s body for enhancing sex drive and influences erections and the quality of orgasms.
  4. Increases Energy and Improves Mood – The ingredients in the supplement give the body a boost of energy which improves sexual performance.

What Problems Does VigorNow Solve?

When men are sexually deficient, they lose confidence and look for ways to improve their performance. Some of these sexual problems include –

  1. Irregular sex due to non-existent sexual desire
  2. Low Libido
  3. Decreased flow of semen
  4. Lack of confidence
  5. The small size of the penis
  6. Inability to sustain an erection

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Benefits of VigorNow

A natural supplement like VigorNow contains ingredients like Catuaba Bark and Muira Puama, which benefit immensely and even help decrease the effects of erectile dysfunction.

Here are the benefits of VigorNow –

  1. Natural Extension of Penis – This dietary supplement contains powerful and potent ingredients that have been clinically tested for their effectiveness and safety. These ingredients work together to increase penis size painlessly, relieving the man from the need for penis-enhancement surgery.
  2. Improves Sexual Performance – There is a marked improvement in the length and girth of the penis, erection, and libido on using VigorNow consistently.
  3. Increase in Semen Volume – The potent ingredients such as Zinc and Vitamin A increase semen volume.
  4. Improved Erection – The product is enriched with advanced technology that enhances erection by increasing blood flow into the corpora cavernosa.
  5. Enhanced Libido – When libido or sexual desire is low, it becomes impossible to perform well sexually. VigorNow works on the male body to enhance libido and improve sexual desire.
  6. Increase in Penis Size – There is a noticeable increase of 5 to 7 centimeters in penis size, boosting the individual’s confidence and increasing his attraction to the opposite sex.

Side Effects of VigorNow

Although VigorNow is a blend of 100% natural ingredients, every product comes with side effects, which is why the manufacturer prints a warning on the label and gives instructions for some do’s and don’ts that the user must follow for a safe experience. Here are the things to remember when using VigorNow –

  1. Check the product seal to know if it is genuine and has not been tampered with.
  2. Do not overdose and use only as much as has been recommended. Overdosing results in side effects such as vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, etc.
  3. Always buy from the official website to ensure that the product is genuine.

How to Use VigorNow

Each bottle of the dietary supplement contains 60 capsules that are the dosage for a month.

  • In the first two weeks of use, the erection improves libido increases and a sustainable erection. In addition, there is a visible increase of 2 cm in the size of the penis.
  • The third and fourth weeks bring about an improvement in erection, libido, size of the penis, and intensity of orgasm.
  • From the fourth week, the effect of the supplement on the body increases manifold. The change observed during this period is the increased sensitivity of the male organ, which improves the intensity of orgasms, making them long-lasting and powerful.
  • The manufacturer recommends taking a break after the sixth week and then repeating for maximum effect.


The product is available in 3 packages of varying values and discounts, as given below –

The product is available to US residents only.

Money-Back Guarantee

The company offers a 100% guarantee to the buyer. If the buyer is not happy with the product or the results, they can return it for a 100% refund.

Why is VigorNow Better Than Other Similar Supplements?

There are several for improving sexual performance, of which Viagra is the most commonly used method. It improves erections and increases endurance. However, these products often result in health problems because of the presence of pharmaceutical additives. The most common of these side effects is blood clotting, renal failure, or even heart attacks.

In comparison, VigorNow is a completely natural product without any chemicals. It improves sexual performance in males. The ingredients improve overall health and provide nourishment to the body.

The ingredients have been well researched. They have been found safe to use. The ingredients do not cause any allergic reactions and is thus an excellent option for men to increase their levels of testosterone minus the adverse effects or painful surgeries.

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Customer Testimonials

I can’t express how thrilled I am. Ever since my boyfriend started using VigorNow, our sex life has skyrocketed. He now wants me more than ever. Earlier I had begun to think that he was losing interest or cheating on me because sex between us was non-existent. Little did I know that his low desire was due to a male problem. The size of his penis and his stamina has so increased that I look forward to spending time with him. ~ Tracy, Tennessee

VigorNow is definitely worth every penny spent. My penis looks like a rod after using the pills.  ~ Logan, Washington DC

We have been trying to have a baby, but the doctor said that my husband’s low sperm count was why I couldn’t get pregnant. He started using VigorNow and, imagine my surprise, why I conceived. We had a test, and his sperm count had increased.  ~ Sarah, Miami


Who can use VigorNow?

Any man over 18 years of age can use VigorNow. Men who cannot have sex because of tiredness or fatigue, the small size of the penis, suffering from weak libido, premature ejaculation, or erectile dysfunction will benefit from using this dietary supplement.

What are the side effects associated with this product?

The product is completely natural with the absence of any pharmaceutical additions. It does not have any side effects, but overdosing can cause nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.

How often should the product be used?

VigorNow should be taken as per the manufacturer’s directions for four to six weeks for best results. The manufacturer recommends a break after this period, after which the cycle can be repeated to get the maximum effect from the use of this supplement.

How quickly are the results visible?

VigorNow is not a magical pill that gives results overnight. It has to be used consistently for four to six weeks for visible results. The manufacturer guarantees an increase of two to three inches in penis size on using it regularly.

What precautions are recommended when using VigorNow?

The manufacturer recommends against overdosing. It is also not for men below 18 years. People with medical problems and health issues should consult a physician before using it.

Does the company offer a money-back guarantee?

Yes, the company offers a 100% cash refund if the user is not happy with the results or the product.

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VigorNow is a dietary supplement, proving to be a simple remedy for male sexual problems. It addresses health issues like erectile dysfunction, low stamina, decreased libido, and others. The product contains ingredients that increase blood flow to the penis, giving erections that are hard and long-lasting.

It prevents early ejaculation.

In addition, to the above health benefits, the company offers a 100% hassle-free cash refund for individuals who are not happy with the results of the product. The product is available for sale to US residents only.

There are amazing discounts and free shipping on ordering the product from the official website.

It is recommended to read the instructions carefully before using VigorNow and follow them carefully. The product also comes with precautionary instructions that should be followed to avoid any side effects.

All this will decrease sexual problems and improve male sexual health naturally. Please note that VigorNow is a male dietary supplement and not a treatment for any sexual problem.