5 Daily Habits That Are Killing Your Metabolism

One might have already observed a slowdown in their metabolism as they become older. After conducting a study of energy expenditure data, sfgate.com discovered that growing older is connected with a steady drop in basal metabolic rate. Additionally, a variety of everyday practices might cause your metabolism to slow down even more.


However, you are not required to submit without a struggle. Here are five behaviors to break, and you will notice a difference in your metabolism and energy levels as a result.

  1. Eating the Incorrect Breakfast aka Not Consuming Sufficient Protein

The act of eating food in the morning is just the beginning of the process. Eating a croissant or a sweet muffin while heading to work means you are preparing yourself for a sugar crash later on. Opt for a dish that is full and high in lean protein instead of something lighter. Choose from eggs, whole-grain bread with peanut butter, or Greek yogurt.

Protein is vital for maintaining a good weight balance since it fuels your muscles, helps you feel fuller longer, and improves satiety. Eating less would most likely result in slower growth and recovery of muscle mass. We all know how crucial muscles are when it comes to raising one’s metabolic rate. Furthermore, since protein demands more energy to digest than carbohydrates or fat, one can burn more calories while your body breaks down the protein in your diet.

  1. A Sedentary Way of Life

Maintaining a sedentary lifestyle may result in a considerable reduction in the number of calories you burn consistently. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, most of us work from home, which involves sitting for most of the day. This habit harms our metabolism and general well-being.

All physical activities, such as standing, using the stairs, cleaning, cooking, and so on, may help you lose weight by increasing your metabolism. Non-exercise activity thermogenesis is the term used to describe this sort of activity (NEAT).

  1. There is insufficient strength training.

Cardiovascular fitness and body weight high-intensity interval training (HIIT) effectively burns a significant quantity of calories in a short period. However, as soon as you finish, the number of calories you burn rapidly decreases. Your calorie-burning while growing lean muscle increases when you conduct resistance-based exercises since your body continues to burn calories even when you’re not moving or exercising.

  1. Being under stress

When a person is under stress, our bodies release a hormone known as cortisol, which helps us cope. Excessive cortisol levels result in an increased hunger for sweets, sugary foods, and a reduced desire to exercise, all of which have a detrimental influence on your metabolism and cause you to gain weight. So, although we may fail to regulate our stress levels all of the time, learning to manage our stress may be beneficial.

  1. Inability to get enough sleep

A night of sleeplessness is enough to make you feel lethargic, and it may cause cortisol levels to increase, which can lead to poor food choices. Poor sleep may lead to impaired metabolism and hormonal abnormalities when repeated multiple nights in a row or throughout a lifetime of insufficient sleep.


The calories burned by your body are dependent on your metabolic rate. However, your metabolism is responsible for much more than simply your metabolic rate. It also helps maintain a healthy balance in all areas of your life, including your blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure. As a result, it is prominent to avoid engaging in the activities listed above to maintain a healthy metabolism.