Oats For Weight Loss

Today, the increasingly changing landscape in the marketplace has resulted in skyrocketing socioeconomic pressures. Across the board, people get trapped within the invisible perimeter walls of a fast transforming and highly competitive global village. For many, striking the right balance between work and a healthy lifestyle has become elusive.

Many have, by default, adopted a sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits, and unhealthy diets, causing many folks to become overweight or obese.

Being overweight or what we would refer to crudely as fat is a state in which an individual has overtime accumulated excess body fat beyond what is recommended for optimal health. The individual also becomes less attractive. On the other hand, obesity refers to an abnormally excess accumulation of fat that predisposes one to health risks.

However, we ought not to look on helplessly, for there is a dietary remedy in oats. Scientifically referred to as Avena Sativa, oats belong to the cluster of whole-grain foods. Their nutrient and non-nutrient composition qualify them as one of the healthiest grains with immense health benefits, which include, among others: weight loss, improved heart health, and low blood sugar levels. For many who are in the know of Oats’s health-improving potency, they are a must-have in the menu. They are regular for breakfast and usually prepared as oatmeal in water or milk.

Oats For Weight Loss

Why Oats may help to reduce weight

Weight gain is usually enhanced by eating large regular servings of high calorie processed foods, coupled with snacking intermittently. Layers of fat progressively and gradually pile upon tissue when the body is furnished daily with more calories than required for daily optimal metabolic processes. An intake of between 500 to 1,000 calories over and above what is needed could lead to approximately two-pound weight gain in a week.

This is where oats come in handy as a weight-loss dietary remedy. Thanks to its nutrient and non-nutrient food composition. An oatmeal diet weight loss program Eat Sleep Burn is worth a try. Oatmeal gives prolonged feelings of satisfaction. This is primarily because of beta-glucan, a soluble fiber that forms a thick gel-like fluid when dissolved in water. Its high viscosity makes it more resistant to flow in the digestive tract. Because of this, an individual feels full for a longer time, eats less, and consequently has a more nutritious quality diet.

Studies have reliably revealed that oats enhance satiety and diet quality, among other benefits. The full scope of scientific reviews published in the British Journal of Nutrition supplement issue of October 2014 provides satisfactory experimental evidence to this effect (1).

Secondly, the nutrient composition of oats’ play a role in increasing the production of a digestive tract hormone referred to as Peptide Tyrosine (PYY). This highly beneficial hormone is released into the bloodstream by the cells that line the small and large intestines. Its function is to inhibit gut movement, hence reducing the frequency of food intake. This consequently lowers the risk of becoming obese.

Which type of oatmeal is best to eat?

Does eating any oatmeal help to reduce weight optimally? After all, they are all from oats, why the fuss? Do these questions ring a bell? Knowing the best oatmeal choice is critical. Studies have successfully been carried out to fix the missing link in the puzzle. A randomized crossover trial to determine the correlation between meal viscosity and oat beta-glucan characteristics in human appetite control showed that instant oatmeal and old-fashioned oatmeal increased by over four hours of feelings of satiety and suppressed appetite, as compared to the ready-to-eat-breakfast cereal. This implies that instant oatmeal and old-fashioned oatmeal are recommended for a weight loss diet. Eating these two types of oatmeal may help to prevent the hustle of struggling to burn off excess fat.

What an oatmeal diet entails

When one refers to an oatmeal diet, it is categorically one in which oatmeal constitutes the main course of one or two meals we eat each particular day. This diet is centered on oats.

The diet regiment for this weight loss program has two phases that one can follow for optimal results.

  1. In the first week, adhere to three oatmeal meals each day. Make sure you eat whole oats and avoid instant oatmeal. If you prefer, you may add some fruit.
  2. When you have successfully gone through the first phase, embark on eating one to two oatmeal meals daily during the second week. Instant oatmeal is a yes in this phase. It is also recommended to incorporate other low-fat, healthy meals. Vegetables and fruits would do well to boost your overall nutritional status.

For flexibility, there is another option of an oatmeal diet plan that you may prefer. This regiment is somewhat similar to phase two of the previously mentioned option. This entails a six-day program that requires eating oatmeal as the main course for two meals daily.

What you may eat together with oatmeal

Many people are ignorant about how to effectively and appropriately manage a would-be-beneficial dietary program. Some key questions arise. How should I prepare oatmeal? What should I add? What quantity is recommended per serving? Such are some of the complex issues we often struggle with. This is why having the right information is essential.

The recommended serving size of oatmeal should be ½ a cup for both breakfast and lunch. Therefore when preparing your meal, the right measurements are of the essence. You may choose to include some fruits and skimmed milk. If you prefer, a choice of low-fat yogurt will do any harm.

In the morning, you can eat fresh fruits as a snack. While in the afternoon, nuts and raw vegetables would pass as excellent choices.

To boost your nutrient intake, your dinner menu needs to include fish, lean meat, or grilled chicken. A dessert that is low in calories is recommended too.

Related: How High-Protein Diet Can Help You Lose Weight?

What you should not add to your oatmeal diet

Even when oats are highly recommended for weight loss, what is served with, it may compromise its performance. Studies show that the way some additives interact with the oatmeal food matrix may affect its solubility, molecular weight, and the structure of beta-glucan, consequently affects its viscosity. Below are some of the things you must avoid to eat during your oatmeal weight loss program.

  • Avoid eating instant oatmeal with added sugary flavors. These are high in sugar but do not add any nutritional value. A good illustration can be taken from two different types of oatmeal. That is plain rolled oats and commercially available brown and maple oatmeal that are flavored with sugary additives. According to the USDA, 102 calories are contained in 1/3 cup serving of plain rolled oats (2).
  • While for oatmeal flavored with maple and brown sugar, one packet which is equivalent to what is required to prepare half a cup of oatmeal contains 13 grams of sugar and 158 calories. This goes to show that eating plain oatmeal will help you to lose more weight within a year as compared to eating flavored oatmeal. If you prefer a sweet taste, it advisable to go for sugar-free sweeteners like applesauce or banana puree.
  • Avoid fatty additives. Whole milk, peanut butter, and the like should be far from your menu if at all, you are to hit your weight loss target. It is better to prepare your oats with water for overall low-calorie intake. A cup of whole milk is loaded with 149 calories and 8 grams of fat, while peanut butter brings with it 188 calories for two-tablespoon servings. These will dash your efforts and flash it down the drain.

Are there any risks of an oatmeal diet?

As the saying goes, ‘too much of anything is bad,’ and oatmeal weight loss diet program may end up posing potential health risks. As recommended by health experts, it is always essential to consult with your doctor before embarking on any dietary plan. Learning from the medical history and carry out necessary investigations to confirm whether you could be having any underlying medical conditions that may predispose you to health risks.

Depending on your doctor’s findings, since oatmeal is very low in calories, he or she may advise you to include some foods to boost your nutritional status.


Oats are highly recommended for weight loss. However, the weight loss diet needs to be appropriately followed as recommended. Bearing in mind that this diet is low in calories, make it a point to include healthy foods to your diet plan. Try to incorporate other lifestyle habits daily. These include exercise, drinking water, and having a good night’s sleep. Regular exercise will help you to burn up excess calories, thus keeping you fit.