8 Most Nutrient-Dense Foods On The Planet

We all think that we live in a perfect world, isn’t it? Just look at the number of yummy food delicacies that go on multiplying with every single day! The sudden innovation in the food industry, especially in the fast-food sector made a majority of the population of the world to become addicts of unhealthy eating and junk food. What did this cause? More than half of the United States population falls into the obese category. And cases of diabetes, unhealthy levels of cholesterol, fatigue, inflammations, sudden rise in the number of heart problems were seen all over the world.

Once this realization of the above-mentioned statistics hit every individual, they began to start going the healthy route. On an honest note, what is the first thing that a person who decides to start living a healthy life thinks of? On the majority level, it will mostly be “what not to eat” list, isn’t it? Also, they understand the meaning of portion control as well. There are certain health guidelines given by various world-wide recognized health organizations like the WHO (world health organization) etc. which point out as to how much food needs to be consumed every single day. And if you are a naïve on the road to fitness, it’s quite natural that you wouldn’t be able to know as to how to follow the guidelines properly. The problem here lies in the right education of health. Oftentimes, we only know about what not to eat and we have no idea about what to eat. Many translate portion control to just eating less of whatever food they were eating before; For example, lesser quantities of potatoes, steak, cheese, pizza, etc.

What Exactly Is Portion Control?

Portion control is to choose the right amount (a healthy amount) of food to eat. This helps you absorb the benefits that the nutrients present in the food intend to provide you with. Now you might wonder how do I measure the portions, right? You can do so by understanding the nutrition labels of the foods that you regularly consume. You could also measure the portions of the food with some familiar things, for example:

  • Eat vegetables or fruits of the size of your fist.
  • Pasta could be enough if it were the size of an ice cream scoop.
  • Poultry, fish, and meat need to be the size of your palm (minus the fingers please).
  • Sides like your favorite chips should be the size of your cupped hand.
  • Pancakes need to be the size of the CD.
  • Steamed rice shouldn’t be anything more than the cupcake wrapper size.
  • Cheese needs to be not more than the size of your whole thumb.

The best way to tackle and follow portion control eating is to start eating nutrient-dense foods. Following this too requires immense knowledge about the nutritional factors of food. Read on to know more about this.

What Is Nutrient-Dense Food?

Nutrient-dense is a term that many get confused with. The only thing they know is that this term holds great value when it comes to a healthy diet. So, to make things easier, allow us to break it down to you. The nutrient density helps determine the nutritional elements of the food. And “nutrient-dense” foods are the kind of foods that have lots of nutrients but have lesser calories. And choosing to eat nutrient-dense foods will help you achieve the nutrition that the body needs daily while still staying within the confined boundaries of your calorie limits. Nutrient-dense foods contain each one of these—minerals, vitamins, lean protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, etc. To stay fit one needs to get equipped with such information, if it’s too hard to do it on your own, we recommend that you try Tone Your Tummy program. This program will help you achieve your dream tummy by assisting you, step by step. Now, let’s take a look at some of the best options when it comes to nutrient-dense foods. Read on.

Most Nutrient-Dense Foods List

  1. Kale

In the world of healthy greens, one can consider Kale as the king of all greens. This green is completely loaded with minerals, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and a good number of bioactive compounds as well. You can consider the following to be present in a hundred grams of Kale:

  • For Vitamin C, there is 200% of RDA
  • For Vitamin A (beta-carotene), there is 300% of RDA
  • For Vitamin K1, there is 1000% of RDA
  • Huge amounts of Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Copper, and Vitamin B6
  • Also has two grams of fiber, only fifty calories, and three grams protein

Many think of Kale to be healthier than the green of Greeks, spinach. Both these greens are considered to be extra nutritious than other greens. However, Kale has lower amounts of oxalates. For those who aren’t aware, oxalate is a substance that helps binds minerals such as calcium inside your intestine. This in return helps to keep the calcium in the body instead of letting them get absorbed by the digestive system. Kale as mentioned earlier has huge amounts of bioactive compounds like the indole-3-carbinol and isothiocyanates which have proved their roles in fighting cancer according to the animal and test-tube test results.

  1. Salmon

When we say not all of us are created with all the same qualities, it applies to the fishes as well. Most of the fatty kinds of fishes, for example, the salmon are known to contain a storehouse of omega-3s fatty acids. For the human body to function optimally, the omega-3s are vital. They are known to improve an individual’s wellbeing and also keep an individual away from serious illnesses.

Not many know that apart from storing great amounts of omega-3s fatty acids, salmons are known to have loads of nutrients in them.

100 grams of the salmon piece has 2.8 grams of fatty acids (omega-3s) and good quality animal proteins, other ample vitamins, minerals, and huge amounts of magnesium, selenium, B vitamins, potassium, etc.

By eating Salmon like fatty fish once or twice a week, you will have lesser chances of falling prey to depression, heart disease, dementia, etc.

  1. Garlic


Garlic is a spice that has been valued for its benefits since times immemorial. Its flavor enhances even the most stubborn of the dishes and is regarded to be highly nutritious as well. It is rich in vitamins B1, B6, and C, it also contains calcium, selenium, manganese, potassium, and copper. It also contains beneficial compounds of sulfur such as allicin. Consuming garlic regularly can help lower blood pressure and maintain good HDL cholesterol levels in the body. Oh, and let’s not forget about the antibacterial properties of garlic.

  1. Seaweed

When we think of the sea, we only think about seafood. The reality that we often ignore is that the sea also contains ample vegetation that we can make use of. It contains seaweeds. This is popularly used in dishes like Sushi. The seaweed used in this dish is called nori, it’s like an edible wrapping. Seaweeds are considered to be more nutritious than the vegetables that the land yields us. It contains high levels of manganese, magnesium, iron, and calcium. Eating seaweed also gives your body enough iodine as well. There are seaweed supplements available for those who don’t like eating seaweed directly.

  1. Blueberries

Fruits have various nutritional values, and the blueberries are on a higher note in this regard. They are not just packed with vitamins and minerals but are also very rich in antioxidants. Eating blueberries also helps in maintaining lower blood sugar levels and also helps in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels in the body.

  1. Liver

For centuries now, mankind has been eating animal meats. Recent studies show us that organ meat is more nutrition bound than muscle meats. And among all the organs, it is the liver which is the most nutritious. This is because one of the liver’s most important functions is to store enough nutrients that are required for the body. And consuming an animal’s liver will provide us the same. It is also rich in vitamin B.

  1. Sardines

Sardines are tiny and oily fishes which we can gulp down as a whole. These tiny fishes contain almost every important nutrient that is required by our bodies in small quantities. They are heart-healthy for human consumption as well.

  1. Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is known for its high cocoa content. It is said to be loaded with iron, manganese, copper, fiber, and magnesium. It also comes equipped with a whole range of antioxidant benefits.

So, if you are on your weight loss spree, then programs like Tone Your Tummy will help you understand more about diet and weight loss secrets like nutrient-dense foods. Stay fit, stay healthy peeps!