Testosterone Too Low? How to Tell

Testosterone functions and importance

Testosterone is a sex hormone that plays essential roles in the body. Its function in men is to regulate sex drive, bone mass, fat distribution, sperm and red blood cells production, muscle mass and strength. Testosterone secreted in the testicles, and its levels are essential for sexual developments and functions. Without adequate levels of Testosterone in the male body, men become infertile, as Testosterone assists in the event of mature sperm. The pituitary gland manages the production of the hormone Testosterone in the body. After its creation, the hormone moves through the blood.

testosterone levels

But when Testosterone drop below the desired levels in the body can lead to conditions like hypogonadism or infertility. Low Testosterone is called Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome (TD) or Low Testosterone (Low-T). Low-T means as less than 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) whereas normal range typically falls between 300 to 1,000 ng/dL, according to the Food and Drug Administration, but this is determined once you test it. It is normal to experience the symptoms of low Testosterone in the body. But it’s not easily identified the reasons for the deficiency.

So firstly to determine if the Testosterone is low there are few symptoms which can help to identify.

How to determine low Testosterone levels

Below are the signs and symptoms can occur if Testosterone production drastically drops below normal.

1) Low Sex Drive:
When Testosterone levels dropdown the urge or desire to have sex vanishes in men, as Testosterone has a crucial role in men libido (the sex drive). They start losing interest in the idea of having intercourse with their partner.

2) Erectile dysfunction:
Even though Testosterone is alone not responsible for erection, but it stimulates the receptors in the brain to produce nitric oxide. Nitric oxide trigger chemical reaction that is necessary for erections. Hence, low Testosterone can lead to no prior erections or spontaneous erections.

3) Low semen and sperm production:
Testosterone is responsible for the milky fluid that aids in the motility of sperm, and thus the small amount of Testosterone affects the semen and further reduces the sperm count, also decreases the semen and ejaculation during sex, and lower is the count the more infertile a man can get

4) Fatigue: Low Testosterone has reported low energy levels in men. The Low-T can lead to feeling tired the whole day despite a proper diet and sleep. Also decreases the motivation to do physical activities or exercise. So, low Testosterone can lead to extreme fatigue.

5) Loss of muscle mass and bone mass:
Testosterone plays a significant role in building muscle and bone mass. So, if the levels are low, there are chances the building of tissue can be slower. It does not necessarily affect the strength or functions but slower the process in the case of bone mass. Testosterone is a critical element in the strengthening of bones. Men with lower Testosterone levels can lead to the weakening of bones, and also older men have with Low-t have suspected bone fractures.

6) Mood swings:
Testosterone is responsible for many physical processes in the body. It also has effects over mood and mental capability. It can develop irritability, lack of focus and stress too. Hence, constant mood changes is an outcome of this experience.

7) Depression:
Physical and mental changes in the body can lead to tension and stress, leads to depression. Low-T can affect the neurons and emotion too, can take over a depression in the person and can cause a breakdown.

8) Cognitive effect: Low T levels can contribute to affected memory. Studies have shown Testosterone supplementation with improved memory in men with low levels. So, dropped Testosterone can have a direct effect on the brain too.

Common Causes of Low Testosterone

1) Hereditary or inborn: The Low Testosterone levels can be from the time you are born. There are also chances that it transmits from one generation to the other generation.

2) Infection: Several infections develop in prostate glands or any other organs that can affect the production of Testosterone.

3) Injury: Accidents that cause damage to testicles can lead to injuries and lower the efficiency of specific functions.

4) Hormonal disorders: Various diseases can lead to deficiencies in pituitary glands. They change the hormones the way they act. So the developing hormonal imbalances can lead to complications.

5) Chronic diseases:
Chronic diseases related to liver, kidney or even cancer’s treatments has effects on the body, leads to reduced production of Testosterone due to the interference of many medications or artificial supplements.

6) Obesity: Metabolic syndrome has also shown a connection to Low-T. The increased weight can invite obesity and obesity has its factors to disturb the body mechanism.

7) Diabetes: Blood sugar and blood pressure have apparent effects on blood circulation. Any organs that do not receive sufficient blood can lose efficiency to function

8) Ageing: One of the inevitable causes of Low-t can be the increasing age. One simply cannot deny the fact or change it. But by staying fit from an early stage, taking precautions to manage the Testosterone levels can help to delay the ageing reason.


There are several treatments available for the supplementation of Testosterone in the body. Some of them include natural remedies, while some of them require treatment with medications. Below are some of the medicinal treatments:

a) Gonadotropin Injections: These injections help in signalling the body to produce more Testosterone, increases the sperm count.
b) Implanting Testosterone: This is a treatment in which the male gets Testosterone pellets implanted for a course of three to four months where they release Testosterone.

Natural treatments:

a) Changing the diet: Eating specific foods can help to increase the production and a healthy level of Testosterone
b) Living a healthy lifestyle: Changing routine that is healthy or implementing good habits within along with keeping stress free life, and overall impact physical and mental health.

Natural supplements can also be added in the list to increase the levels of Testosterone. Testogen is a supplement with preparation using naturally available ingredients. Those improve the Testosterone levels in men. Available in the form of capsules for consumption, help in improving the libido, muscle strength and energy levels too.


Low Testosterone in the body is identifiable with the help of simple self-assessment symptoms. But to ensure that if you are the victim of Low-T, you should go under a test. Doctors carry out a systematic laboratory test that can identify the current levels of Testosterone in the body and how much more is required. Further, the identification can also help in recognising the causes and required treatments.

Low T is becoming a pervasive problem and is even noticed in adults below 30 age too. There are several causes, but a healthy lifestyle and choosing habits, that are good for postural glands bring a healthy mood in sex drive. Thus reducing the risk of low production of Testosterone and further helps in delaying the naturally occurring low-T due to ageing.

Low Testosterone is not a very big syndrome, and sometimes it just happens because of changed lifestyles adoptions. But monitoring the symptoms is necessary, and if the symptoms go on matching, then immediate treatment is recommended.